Kettlebell workout DVDs

Anyone have kettle bell workouts that they love?
So far I've done Iron Core kettle bell workouts with Sarah Lurie. She has great cues and explains the moves well. She has an annoying hissing/grunting sound every.single.time she swings the kettlebell. That I find very distracting so I'm looking for other DVDs I can do with my kettlebell.


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  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
  • I'm just doing the one that came with my Reebok kettlebell. It's not super long and there's a beginner and a more advanced work out. This work out really kills my legs though. It takes at least 3-4 days for them to stop hurting. I think I may have purchased too heavy of a kettlebell.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm just doing the one that came with my Reebok kettlebell. It's not super long and there's a beginner and a more advanced work out. This work out really kills my legs though. It takes at least 3-4 days for them to stop hurting. I think I may have purchased too heavy of a kettlebell.

    Thanks. I'll check that out. I was surprised by how my legs were sore after the first time I did a kettlebell workout.
  • Carachama
    Carachama Posts: 11 Member
    Dirt cheap and really good - Iron Core Kettlebell, available on Amazon for $5.79 for 4 DVD's. It has a nice series from beginner to advanced. It will get you going!
  • Just received and tried Skogg Kettlebell DVDs. Thus far, really like them! Good focus on instruction and proper form, workouts are focused, not a lot of wasted time.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    No I don't own kettlebells or DVDs of the same, but have watched, used and recommend this lady's video channel, she rocks (Marianne Kane)

    p.s. I use kettlebells in the gym and copy her workouts into a notebook.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • Bassafrass80
    Bassafrass80 Posts: 69 Member
    I use Kettleworx. I got the DVD's with the kettlebell I bought. I've been using them for almost a year now.
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    I use Kettleworx. I got the DVD's with the kettlebell I bought. I've been using them for almost a year now.

    I bought this a few years ago... I love the work outs - but just keep track of the counts! :)