When is home not home?

This may seem a funny question but one that I have been thinking about alot today. Our daughter is coming home next week for the first time in two and a half years as she moved to the USA to marry her now husband. I keep telling everyone she is coming home but I guess really her home is now the USA and her new married life. As a mum I feel kind of sad that what we call home is no longer her home. Our son lives in London but that does not feel quite the same as he is still in England. Also her bedroom is still referred to as Rebecca's bedroom even though her younger sister has been using it for the last two and a half years. Anyway whatever or wherever home actually is we are so looking forward to seeing her back.:smile:


  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    For me, home is more of a state of mind than a location and people can have more than one "home." Home is where you are most relaxed, happy, and with loved ones. I think you are still right to say that your daughter is coming home, even though she has a new house. She has more than one home.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    I'm 51, I go "home" when I visit mom and dad. Even though they have moved from the "home" place and are now semi retired. I have to agree that it's a mind set. Mom and dad's will always be "home".
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    For me, home is more of a state of mind than a location and people can have more than one "home." Home is where you are most relaxed, happy, and with loved ones. I think you are still right to say that your daughter is coming home, even though she has a new house. She has more than one home.

  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Hmm...since my parents still live in the house where I grew up, I consider it home. I also will be moving around a lot in the next years since I'll be graduating from college and going to grad school. I'll refer to my apartment as home out of convenience, but I still consider my parents' house my true home.
  • Home will always be the house I grew up in, the town I lived in, or the place where my parents live (Except if they moved). But ultimately, for me, home stops being home when I'm not living with my parents. +when I have to pay for everything myself :(