Truck Driver in need of help and support.......

I'm a 75 yr old over-the-road truck driver who's put on too much road-weight; and I'm in need of advice and support. Now I don't have a computer in the truck with me so you'll only hear from me every three weeks or so, but I would like to try this program and see if I can't lose some weight. I've already made a list of foods that I normally eat so that I can track my calorie intake and I walk around the truck stops a little for some exercise; but basically I just sit in that chair. Any help will be truly appreciated! Thank you!


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    MFP has a phone app so you can log your food and exercise that way while you are on the road, that is if you have a suitable phone. Good luck this does work if you stick with it.
  • dmurphy1975
    dmurphy1975 Posts: 45 Member
    I would love to support you on your journey. I'll send a friend request today. My wife has been driving for 16 years and is facing the same issue of trying to balance good nutrition and exercise with the reality of living in a truck (5 days a week for her). I am trying to help her come up with a plan to join in this weight loss / healthy lifestyle journey and would be happy to share ideas that we come up with. The first thing that she has done that is helping is keeping her truck stocked with fresh fruit and vegetables. She also got a crock pot last year that she plugs in with a power inverter. She can make a good home cooked meal while driving. I'm trying to convince her to put together a truck drivers cookbook with her recipes. Good luck.
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    Good luck!

    If have a phone, I recommend the app. It's helpful to me to be able to log on wherever I am.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    Hello 75 year old truck driver. :) My husband drives truck and I go with him a lot of times. We're out right now.. stuck in Casper, Wyoming without a load, for now. Last night we ate dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Then we walked from there to the mall, around in there, and back for 5 miles. It was cold and a bit breezy, but definitely worth it to get out and move around. Really, you might look into getting a smartphone. We used it to check calories on different foods before we went in.. so we knew about what we wanted to eat. My husband has been way too low on calories lately, so he had some he wanted to make up, so he ordered a bloomin onion.. but we still left with half of it in a box since the whole dish is 2,000 calories). The smartphone I used once we were inside when I saw the pretty magaritas on the drink menu.. and looked up the calories on those. The smartphone take a bit to get used to.. I really hated mine at first. But they are very valuable for keeping track. I also downloaded a free program called Endomondo and it's a personal walking/running tracker. You put in your weight and height, then select what sort of activity you are doing (I also use it for bike riding), then push the start button and it'll keep track of how far you've gone and it'll even post it to your My Fitness Pal for you.

    My Fitness Pal also has a special phone program you can use, it's a little different then the computer version but some of the reports are nicer and the barcode scanner is awesome!

    We have a 1500 watt inverter in the truck. I cook food inside on my electric skillet (it's a bit much to start up on the inverter.. but it gets there. Would really like to invest in a larger inverter), or reheat in the microwave. We have a fridge and freezer. Even have a toilet in the closet. My husband owns a 2000 Volvo 770, I like the interior setup a lot better than other trucks we looked at for being able to have all this stuff with us. We also end up out here with the kids a lot of times. Less lately since our oldest started school. We also have a hibachi propane grill (very small setup, fits in a tool box).. if it's not too bad outside we'll grill meat, wrap up veggies in foil and put those in there too. I make up food before the trip too, we we've got stuff to reheat, salsa to season with.

    Not only is it healthier to make some of your own food, it save you a ton of money.