Feeling a little unmotivated,help please

Hels40 Posts: 25
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
HI everyone

I started my new way of eating on the 4th january this year and joined here a few days later. My starting weight was 297 lbs, i lost 8lbs the first week,then 4lbs the second week,2lbs the 3rd week and started to worry it was coming off too quickly. I lost 2lbs my 4th week making it 16lbs in my first month and have to say i felt so much better. My clothes/rings/shoes started to feel loose and i took a picture which proved to my eyes that i had lost weight. I actually had my period on my 4th week and sooo excited that i still lost weight still and because it lasted a whole 7 days it ran into my 5th week. Anyways,i gained 2lbs!! I was devastated. Anyways,tomorrow is my 6th weigh in and if anything i am feeling fatter than before and think ive gained again.
Im 6ft tall and 40 years old and i have been customising my diary on here and having around 1750 calories because biggest loser and other sites say i need them and i wanted to try that way first rather than cutting back to around 1600 cals which it tells me on here. I hardly exercise apart from dog walking daily. And although i want to be a bit more energetic i want to actually know the right calories for me so i can see the weight loss coming off. Once its rolling off i can introduce exercise.
I will be back to work end of March or early April so i know i will be rushing around and that alone will help me lose weight. Plus once back to work i plan on saving up for a wii and getting the wii fit and a few other fun games that get you moving.
I just don't understand why the weight is coming off so slowly. My plan is to get down to around 213 lbs and see how i feel then but in the meantime i don't understand why someone my size is not shifting the lbs a little more. I know that 2lbs is a good amount each week which i am really happy with but i seriously am struggling to lose a lb at the moment.
My weigh in tomorrow will obviously tell me how i have done but i am struggling right now. I have cut out all take aways barr the very odd one now and again. My love for all junk foods i have cut right back and try to make better choices,i am drinking at least 4 small bottles of water a day,not sure how much that really is but the bottles are 50cl,i thnk it would be half a litre.
Is there anyone that could give me some advice please? I am not a quitter but i just need a little inspiration. Also friends,i would love friends that have lots of weight to lose or have already lost lots of weight to inspire and support me and hopefully i can do the same thing back.

Thanks all for reading. :flowerforyou:


  • nettiemacd
    nettiemacd Posts: 26 Member
    You have done the best thing ever! You have started monitoring your foods and this is a fantastic site for that. Your weight was "pouring off" beacause it was mostly water weight. Once that's depleated the weight lose slows down. Don't be discouraged. Do you weigh you foods? I was amazed when I started weighing my foods how much I underestimated what I was eating. It might help you if you can eat your carbs in the earlier meals and always with a protein. For your evening meal (snack) be sure to limit it to protein foods and unlimited vegies! What ever you do, stay with it! There is so much support here...so keep reaching out. Everyone has so much to contribute!
    When you are ready, instead of the Wii, you might want to checkout www.beachbodycoach.com/macd that's how I just lost 40lbs and got alot of exercise support!
  • I would think the first thing you should try is adding in daily exercise. You don't have to do anything strenuous to start out with, but you should try to get at least thirty minutes a day of focused exercise. I would recommend increasing your water, too.

    Also, I would suggest really being picky about what you eat to fill your calorie goal. I know back when I had my calorie goal about that high, I would still eat the same crap I used to, just in smaller amounts. I think it was only luck that I continued to lose so much weight while doing so. So you might try evaluating that and see if there are some changes you could make to your daily intake... even if your calorie intake is low, your fats and carbs and whatnot could be high enough that your body just doesn't respond. It's worth looking into at least.

    In the meantime, just stay focused on your goal and not on the numbers. Eventually you'll find your groove and you will see results! Good luck :wink:
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    You have taken the first step to make a life style change..that is the main thing and to just stay focused on it..a few tip that I would suggest are...

    I would try to follow what calories this site says and go from there also make sure and a to track your sugar and sodium..I would also try to get some more water in even if it is increasing by 1/2 a bottle a day..and if you are eating prepaired meals try to cut down on them and make more of your own..I read on here one time that said when you go shopping to shop the outside walls and stay away from the center ones..when I go grocery shopping that is first thing i think of now..so maybe try that also...

    Good Luck!! and hope this helps
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    You have done the best thing ever! You have started monitoring your foods and this is a fantastic site for that. Your weight was "pouring off" beacause it was mostly water weight. Once that's depleated the weight lose slows down. Don't be discouraged. Do you weigh you foods? I was amazed when I started weighing my foods how much I underestimated what I was eating. It might help you if you can eat your carbs in the earlier meals and always with a protein. For your evening meal (snack) be sure to limit it to protein foods and unlimited vegies! What ever you do, stay with it! There is so much support here...so keep reaching out. Everyone has so much to contribute!
    When you are ready, instead of the Wii, you might want to checkout www.beachbodycoach.com/macd that's how I just lost 40lbs and got alot of exercise support!

    Thank you so much for your reply:-)
    It makes sense what you said about the weight being mostly water to start with,i thought i was just losing fat and came to a stand still so that does help to know i am still doing good it is just going to slow down now. I will have a look through my food diary and check if i am eating carbs and protein earlier and have a jiggle around.
    Thanks for your help:-)
    H x
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I hate to tell you that it took me 2 years to loose 47 pounds. It is slow and that is what it is. I agree with the exercise part. I exercise to eat more :) Think about weight loss like a part time job!! It takes time and lots of energy and time. Also don't worry about your numbers on the scale and focus on healthy eating. Remember scales are like relatives, they should only be visited on occassion. :) I also take pictures lately. Pictures tell it all!!

    Another thing If weight loss was fast everyone would be skinny!!

    Oh when i had a lot to loose it tried to get out of the 10's. out of 200's , out of 190's, out of 180s out of 170 and i'm almost out of 160's .............think about that!!! 10 pounds at a time.

    You can do this and get healthy.
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    I would think the first thing you should try is adding in daily exercise. You don't have to do anything strenuous to start out with, but you should try to get at least thirty minutes a day of focused exercise. I would recommend increasing your water, too.

    Also, I would suggest really being picky about what you eat to fill your calorie goal. I know back when I had my calorie goal about that high, I would still eat the same crap I used to, just in smaller amounts. I think it was only luck that I continued to lose so much weight while doing so. So you might try evaluating that and see if there are some changes you could make to your daily intake... even if your calorie intake is low, your fats and carbs and whatnot could be high enough that your body just doesn't respond. It's worth looking into at least.

    In the meantime, just stay focused on your goal and not on the numbers. Eventually you'll find your groove and you will see results! Good luck :wink:

    Thanks for your reply:-)
    Well,i do walk the dog a couple of times a day but admit that is all the exercise i do. I will increase my dog walking though. I have a dance dvd that i have tried a couple of times but again feel i need to understand what calories/foods are right for me,so i know that its the calorie counting doing the work of losing weight. So then i will feel ready to start on more exercising.
    I struggle a lot with what to eat as we have no money right now,so i try to buy healthier foods as much as i can. I have taken so many crap foods out of my diet,3 chunks of chocolate every other day or even third day is the only thing i have now that is crappy LOL I home cook all our meals,so not eating processed foods. My food diary is normally fine for fat but have noticed my protein and sugar goes over a fair bit. The carbs i will double check as i am not sure if i ever go over them.
    I will also increase my water intake a bit,LOL i thought 2 litres was loads but i am ready to give anything a go.
    Thank you for all your help:-)
    H x
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    You have taken the first step to make a life style change..that is the main thing and to just stay focused on it..a few tip that I would suggest are...

    I would try to follow what calories this site says and go from there also make sure and a to track your sugar and sodium..I would also try to get some more water in even if it is increasing by 1/2 a bottle a day..and if you are eating prepaired meals try to cut down on them and make more of your own..I read on here one time that said when you go shopping to shop the outside walls and stay away from the center ones..when I go grocery shopping that is first thing i think of now..so maybe try that also...

    Good Luck!! and hope this helps

    Thanks for your reply:-)
    That is one thing that has been really bothering me and that is getting my calories right. I will give it a try this coming week having the calories they say and see how it goes. My sugar has been going over so that is something i really need to work on. My sodium i keep a very good eye on and have never got close to what the allowance is. The water i will start to increase,i thought i had been having enough but will add more a day now.
    I do cook all my own meals so not prepacked junk,so i am ok with that. I have also started eating more brown pasta/rice/bread etc instead of white. I don't eat much bread although do eat a lot of pasta.
    Thanks for all your help:-)
    H x
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    Keep smiling and stay motivated!

    I think every 10 years your personal goals and health go through significant change. The 30's are your strongest physical years, the 40's putting children through college and in your 50's you notice aches and pains you never had and perhaps Diabetes.

    As I approach age 60 I have found the following:
    (1) Fad Diets or gimics do not work - It takes a lifestye change and will power.
    (2) Exercise can help you maintain a more quality lifestyle. In my case, it lowered my blood sugar levels by 40 %.
    (3) Eat only natural foods or ones that can spoil. Processed foods are non nutritional and very high in sodium.

    My motivation is to have a long and healthy retirement. I look around at very Obese people and know I once was there but my will power changed my daily exercise and dietary habits. These were the two most important combinations to me actually feeling better than that I have in a long time.

    Please introduce exercise into your life daily. 30 minutes a day will work wonders. I prefer a treadmill because of the low impact on my knees and I also have a Heart Rate Monitor which can really help you understand your physical activity.

    Keep smiling! It is not easy for any of us.
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    I hate to tell you that it took me 2 years to loose 47 pounds. It is slow and that is what it is. I agree with the exercise part. I exercise to eat more :) Think about weight loss like a part time job!! It takes time and lots of energy and time. Also don't worry about your numbers on the scale and focus on healthy eating. Remember scales are like relatives, they should only be visited on occassion. :) I also take pictures lately. Pictures tell it all!!

    Another thing If weight loss was fast everyone would be skinny!!

    Oh when i had a lot to loose it tried to get out of the 10's. out of 200's , out of 190's, out of 180s out of 170 and i'm almost out of 160's .............think about that!!! 10 pounds at a time.

    You can do this and get healthy.
    Thanks for your reply:-)
    I think because i lost almost 100 lbs many moons ago in 10 months that i would natuarally be able to do it with ease this time but i forget i am getting older and maybe my body doesn't want to play like it used too LOL
    I feel like ditching the scales because i have been feeling so much healthier and when i step on the scales they say i have either gained or hardly lost a thing i get quite annoyed. I am really enjoying the healthier way of living.
    I like your idea about thinking about getting in the 180's etc etc, My first one will be to get out of the 280's:-)
    Thanks for your help:-)
    H x
  • mbowen
    mbowen Posts: 16
    Hi, I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I have lost 41 lbs total. It took me 21 months to lose this much weight., so it does come off slowly. I think it is good to weigh or measure food. It is amazing how much calories are consumed by just guessing. I was guessing on just how much creamer and sugar I was adding to my coffee and when measured I was using twice that amount. So I have to adjust either how much creamer/sugar I am gonna use or only have one cup of coffee. Also, besides coffee, I only drink water and one cup of milk with dinner. Cutting out all those other drinks has shaved off alot of calories. I think that you should drink more water too. At least 8 glasses per day. And dog walking is a good way to start for exercise. I would try walking the dog for at least 30 minutes at one time. This will keep your heart rate up, which will burn fat. The wii active is alot of fun, I too am going to get one when I have saved up for it. And a word of encouragement 14 pounds lost in one month is amazing!
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    Keep smiling and stay motivated!

    I think every 10 years your personal goals and health go through significant change. The 30's are your strongest physical years, the 40's putting children through college and in your 50's you notice aches and pains you never had and perhaps Diabetes.

    As I approach age 60 I have found the following:
    (1) Fad Diets or gimics do not work - It takes a lifestye change and will power.
    (2) Exercise can help you maintain a more quality lifestyle. In my case, it lowered my blood sugar levels by 40 %.
    (3) Eat only natural foods or ones that can spoil. Processed foods are non nutritional and very high in sodium.

    My motivation is to have a long and healthy retirement. I look around at very Obese people and know I once was there but my will power changed my daily exercise and dietary habits. These were the two most important combinations to me actually feeling better than that I have in a long time.

    Please introduce exercise into your life daily. 30 minutes a day will work wonders. I prefer a treadmill because of the low impact on my knees and I also have a Heart Rate Monitor which can really help you understand your physical activity.

    Keep smiling! It is not easy for any of us.

    Thanks for your reply:-)
    That is so true,when i was 30 i lost sooo much weight and seemed so easy then. But so true it isn't easy for anyone.
    I would say i do probably walk around 20/30 minutes a day. Although i haven't counted but i wouldnt say i am far off. I do tend to walk up the steep hills every other day too. I don't mind walking so will try to increase it a little.
    Most of my daily food is made up of natural foods. (home cooking) i will have low fat cheese once or twice a week,have the odd half packed of couscous,half tin tuna etc but apart from that i don't have much processed foods.
    Thanks for all your help:-)
    H x
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    Hi, I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I have lost 41 lbs total. It took me 21 months to lose this much weight., so it does come off slowly. I think it is good to weigh or measure food. It is amazing how much calories are consumed by just guessing. I was guessing on just how much creamer and sugar I was adding to my coffee and when measured I was using twice that amount. So I have to adjust either how much creamer/sugar I am gonna use or only have one cup of coffee. Also, besides coffee, I only drink water and one cup of milk with dinner. Cutting out all those other drinks has shaved off alot of calories. I think that you should drink more water too. At least 8 glasses per day. And dog walking is a good way to start for exercise. I would try walking the dog for at least 30 minutes at one time. This will keep your heart rate up, which will burn fat. The wii active is alot of fun, I too am going to get one when I have saved up for it. And a word of encouragement 14 pounds lost in one month is amazing!
    Thanks hun for your reply:-)
    Congratulations losing 41 lbs already. I do weigh my pasta etc before cooking,so i have got into a habit of that. Most things i do weight but i will remember that if there is something i am guestimating,to make sure i do double check each time.
    I am like you and only drink water. As much as i love a diet fizzy drink that is another thing i have knocked off my healthy eating plan. I have always drank around 2 litres of water a day but i will try hard to drink a little more. I did read somewhere that drinking it nice and cold is very good for you. I just wish night time i wouldnt need to keep pee'ing all the time,you would have thought after so long it would have gone away LOL My dog walking i think would be getting close to 30 minutes a day but i think i will time myself and pick up my step a bit as i tend not to go too quick.
    Thanks hun:-)
    H x
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Hang in there!:smile:

    It has taken me 18 months to lose what I've lost so far and I still want to lose another 40. As I progress i have slowed to an average of a pound a week--sometimes more, sometimes I maintain, but that's my average now. I'm happy since it IS coming off!:happy:

    I, too, struggle with drinking enough water but I am working on that as it really does seem to help.

    Here are some links to look through if you haven't yet--loads of good advice!



    They are a BIG help!
  • ActSingMom
    ActSingMom Posts: 32 Member
    Some suggestions:
    Listen to Weight Watchers, which states the first week it's not uncommon to lose even 15 lbs, but 2lb a week is a goal, not an absolute requisite for success.

    Go back and look at your calorie, carb, fat and protein balance for the past 5 weeks compared to your weight. Learn from what your body and the stats are telling you. Discouragement is a choice, but so is learning from stalled weight loss, and this website provides the tools to teach you about your body.
    Cut your salt consumption
    If possible, try not to eat any calories earned. Stick to your Calorie Point, which changed the more you lose. Your body will require fewer calories when you hit 250, 200 and 175.
    Grab a friend, loved one or acquaintance and walk every day.
    Get an iPod and subscribe to a podcast of your favorite NPR program and walk while you listen to it.
    Go to the library and get a book on tape that's really riveting, and promise yourself you'll only listen while walking.
    Go to Fitness.com and buy the top 10 songs for walking via iTunes.
    Try a new sneaker, like the Sketchers Active sneaker that lengthens your stride and cushions your impact.

    Discouragement is easy to feel, but not the only choice. Giving up means 100% failure, so plateaus can be lessons or signals to have a look at your program.

    Finally, I was once hired for a job based on my losing 20 lbs. My agent looked at the calendar and told the producer, "I am sorry: there is only 8 weeks before it starts so 16 lbs is our offer." That was a good agent. I lost 27 by the time we closed and sent my agent flowers thanking her.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I too have to watch my money with grocery shopping. The one major change I've made this year is I shop at Aldi before going to Walmart. I can get a lot of my "diet" foods much cheaper there. I bet I save $300-$400 per month by doing this. It's two stores but Aldi is usually pretty fast because it's not very big. It's kind of like running into Walgreen's. You lost an amazing amount of weight the first month. Don't be discouraged that it slows down. The important thing to do is to stick with it and you will get there. Slow weight loss is usually more permanent. I lost 1-2 pounds a week (total of 35 pounds in 4 months) after I had my son and kept it off for 10 years. I will never do a fad diet or starvation again. The other thing you might try is following the guidelines on here and see if it helps. I like that this place takes into account your body size and age when it figures how many cals you need. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3-4 times a week. The more you exercise, the more cals you can have.
    Good luck to you.
  • nettiemacd
    nettiemacd Posts: 26 Member
    I'm hearing such good advice for you! A few things that stand out:
    Increse water
    lessen salt
    Let me add: good natural, no cal sweetner is Stevia
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    Thank you so much everyone for all your wonderful advise and tips. You have all given great advise and i will be taking it all on board. :flowerforyou:

    I am lowering my calories as of tomorrow and gonna see how it goes. I will be making sure carbs and all other nutrients are all under what they should be. Although i have learnt to eat healthy obviously there are things holding me back so that is something i can really work on.

    Aldi is a great one for shopping i love to shop either there or at Lidl. I am in the uk so these two are the cheapest places i can think of. Vegies and fruit are cheaper at Aldi so i will see next time we have some money and get stocked up. I find fruit and veg is one thing i don't eat enough of. Water i will try to go over my 2 litres a day,a little more each day for sure. Plus i will put more effort into dog walking too.

    Thanks once again,you have all made me feel much more motivated now. :heart:

    H x
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