30kg down with 10 to go...

Hi MFPers!

I've been watching what I eat for bout a year, exercising more for about a year and have lost 30kg (66lbs)

Things really accelerated when I joined MFP though, so I'm very grateful for this service and the support and stories of others. I've really just lurked on the boards but have taken great encouragement from what I have read!

I'm at the point now that most of my diet is pretty much locked into my lifestyles nine times out of ten i have oats for breakfast and vegetable soup for lunch - with that kind of start to the day it is largely irreverent what I have for dinner.

I am greatly satisfied to have lost the weight, and am enjoying looking good in clothes. The funny thing is that I don't really feel any different, I guess when you are obese you don't dwell on it that much (or I didn't) but what I like to think now is that STATISTICALLY I am much healthier. All those increased risks of disease are gone when i reach my goal weight - the holy grail - NORMAL weight according to BMI. A lot of people don't respect BMI but it represents a statistical average - I will profoundly content when I drop under overweight...

I said I didn't really feel any different, but rather from having moments of regret about being fat, they are replaced by moments of happiness that i am not fat! So the sum balance is in my favour.

I know I'm not making much sense, and it has been a big weekend which might take me a week to work off, but I'm in it for the long haul and I simply have given up on feeling to bad about having a BIG piece of PAVLOVA when the going is good.

I could ramble on a lot more, how I don't use MFP to log food anymore but still use it to log weight... but anyway, nice to meet you all and see you in 10 more kilograms!
