Discouraged :(



  • leelaa
    leelaa Posts: 33
    .Just last week I was feeling like that too, very down on myself. I decided to get serious this time and added some friends and it really does help. I really watch what I eat more often now knowing I am going to record every bit of it and that other people besides me are going to see it too. I think having friends on here is a very important part to weight loss on this sight. They really understand and are very encouraging. If you don't have any friends here yet, add some and I know you can do this and you will start feeling better.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I have been heavy my entire life also and suffer from a poor self-esteem and major depression. I am in counseling and that has helped. I feel like everyone is staring when I walk in the room and whispering about my weight. Losing wt. has helped but I, too, get so discouraged when the scale doesn't move. We can do this together. Please feel free to add me.