Grapefruit = better weight loss



  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member

    Grapefruit can also be dangerous. And I don't like it. Therefore it is bad.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Get ahold of the actual study, not the article. Read what their controls were, what the blind study was, what the methodology and data received was. I'm betting, their control group ate higher calorie foods at breakfast than their grapefruit group, showing that people who eat grapefruit for breakfast probably are doing one of the following: 1. Eating less calories overall during the day b/c grapefruit is low cal meal option and/or 2. Make overall better food choices during the day, having a higher calorie deficit overall. The idea that Grapefruit in and among itself is what is the causation for weight loss is nothing but crap.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I ate three grapefruits a day while pregnant because I craved it. My son is super skinny. Coincidence?

  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    You have to be extremely careful with Grapefruit if you're on any kind of medications, particularly anti-depressants and cholesterol medications, as there are some enzymes in grapefruit that can cause you to overdose yourself (because the enzyme boosts the medication effects.)

  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Be very careful eating grapefruit/drinking grapefruit juice if you are taking any kind of medication. There is evidence it can play havoc with the effects. (In some cases nullifying the meds, in others increasing the effects dramatically)

    I came here to say this too. Grapefruit can be good and bad. Personally I can't stand em, so I'll miss out on the potential benefits to take the slow and steady way that works for me. :)
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    If you're eating a grapefruit instead of chocolate, cake and biscuits then it is bound to be good.......but if you mean you can eat full calories and a grapefruit on top the grapefruit will make you lose weight I find it unbelievable. Hard work and commitment will lose your weight for you.......keep strong
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    It's disgusting and I don't like it lol. So it might be a diuretic and low calorie but that doesn't make it a magic food...
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    Its a fiber filled diuretic!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    There are no magic foods.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    Grapefruit is SO good for you, but I don't think it would magically help you lose weight unless you were on a low-calorie plan and exercised. Obviously. It's a great thing to have in your diet, that's for sure.
  • AESprouse
    AESprouse Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses. I wasn't planning on doing it because I hate grapefruit, I was simply curious. I saw the article in a magazine at Walmart so I guess that right there should have told me that it wasn't real. lol
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    There is a "grapefruit diet" that is circulating and most people say it is crappy and all...

    I have to agree with them because I went on it when I was younger and I lost 50 lbs in about 2 months... I gained it all back, but that wasnt the point of the diet. I was going in for surgery and my doctor said I needed to go on that diet to lose all the weight I could before going under the knife. That is what this diet is supposed to do, make you lose quickly.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Was this article written or sponsored by a grapefruit company? Sounds like propaganda. Calories matter, adding calories making for faster weight loss breaks the laws of physics and biology. I don't buy it. Was there an actual peer reviewed study for this article, or was it just some writer making stuff up? I'm guessing the latter.

    This is true. Also, corporations fund many research projects. THINK ABOUT THAT
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    I don't know but they sure are YUMMY this time of year while they are in season.I have lost 13 pounds in the last 3 weeks and I eat one everyday..but I also watch my calories so who knows...They do help with my sweet tooth(Pears too). I eat the ruby red ones..Half at breakfast and half after Dinner.
  • mllyll
    It's true... I lost about 10 extra pound once I began incorporating grapefruit juice into my diet... Granted the discovery of it's benefits was purely accidental. One evening I was really thirsty, ran to the store across the street and the only juice they had was Simply Grapefruit Juice... Awful at first, but one I got used to the flavor (as I commited to the purchase of a large jug) I noticed the weight started falling off more rapidly. I also try to monitor my caloric intake and exercisse (I do slim in 6).... But I am a living testament to its benefits.