I LOVE this site!

I have only been on here for 3 weeks but it has changed my life! :smile:

I have lost some weight but more important than that I have changed how I think about food. I make much healthier choices now - willingly! - and it doesn't feel like I am depriving myself. Plus logging everything I eat has made me a lot more conscious about just what I am eating. I would eat a full tube of pringles as a snack between meals.

I have found that I had forgotten what it felt like to be hungry. I would eat because I was bored or sad or stressed not because I actually needed food. I never thought it would happen but some days I struggle to eat enough calories!

Even at work when others are eating cake and chocolate and bacon sandwiches I don't feel like I am missing out by saying no. I am making healthy choices and this change is for life. One thing I have read on here that really stuck is that this isn't a diet it is a lifestyle.

So if you are wondering if this site can work for you .... it can! I am sure of it! It isn't just the logging (although that is an amazing tool!) it is the advice on the message board and also the friends that you add. People here are so willing to help others - a well done or congratulations when you hit your target or advice and support when you don't is just so motivating! Plus the success stories are beyond inspiring.

So if you are new here and lurking and trying to do it all yourself - jump in and get some support! You won't regret it and you deserve to be healthy and happy! x


  • SteveK279
    SteveK279 Posts: 134 Member
    Absolutely right, and I've also found it's not necessary to avoid bad things entirely all the time since it is a lifestyle - if it's too difficult, you won't stick with it. And it doesn't matter if you do go off track occasionally once you don't let it keep you there...plus some exercise can be done to get more calories for a meal if you run short :drinker:
  • plaingirly
    Absolutely right, and I've also found it's not necessary to avoid bad things entirely all the time since it is a lifestyle - if it's too difficult, you won't stick with it. And it doesn't matter if you do go off track occasionally once you don't let it keep you there...plus some exercise can be done to get more calories for a meal if you run short :drinker:


    I went to my work Christmas party and pretty much ate what I wanted but it turned out that I didn't want to eat as much as I would have a few weeks ago. Plus I danced for hours! All about balance! :smile:
  • jono2970
    I've been on here less than a DAY and seen / felt all the positive energy of so many people. It's inspiring, but humbling too at the same time. Wishing you well!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    its such a fantastic- i personally find it helps to keep me motivated, know other people can see what im logging, and keep me in check :D ive done SW before and lost weight but put it all back on, this is definately different. i have people motivating me every single day rather than once a week, and just seeing peoples success motivates me even more!!
  • plaingirly
    It is really positive here! I have done WW and wasn't keen - this place is motivating whenever you need it!

    Tonight we had pizza and garlic bread. I had a small slice of pizza and two of garlic bread with my salad. And I didn't want any more! That first taste is the best.

    Love the success stories section - can't wait until I have one of my own!

    Oh this place is just fab! :smile: I probably sound nuts but I had convinced myself that losing weight was hard and complicated and it isn't! x