I know we've all done this one before...

But I can't seem to lose any weight and I'm getting very frustrated. I started running 5-6 days a week at the end of October. I do between a 4.5-6 mph run for 30-45 mins on average. I have my calories set at 1500 a day, since 1200 for me personally just isn't enough. I've been counting calories for about 4 weeks now. This last week I tried cutting back on processed food, especially carbs like bread (I'm still eating fruit and the occasional potato), focusing on fruits, veggies and beans and very small amounts of dairy. I try not to eat meat, but every once in a while I'll have some chicken. I very rarely drink, maybe a beer every two weeks. I tend to splurge on weekends and eat whatever, but I won't go over 2000 calories a day. I also have an espresso drink 2-3 times a week (approx. 220 cals each, I count these in my daily caloric intake). I don't let myself get hungry or full. I try to stay at a happy medium.

I'm currently 5'6', 152 lbs (I was 130 this time last year and was very happy with minimal "upkeep")

I have a HRM with a calorie burn indicator. My HR stays between 71%-89% during my runs and I usually burn about 400 calories (up to 750 for a long run). I eat back those calories.

My HRM says I burn about 2000 calories a day without exercise, just daily activity, running after the kids, etc.

Any advice? Sorry so long, just wanted to include any information that may shed light on what the heck is going on! :-D


    Stop splurging on the weekends
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    I'm sure someone who can help better will chime in, but it sounds like you may not be eating enough cals during the week.
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    Suggest adding in some strength training.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Stop splurging on the weekends

    THIS. If your splurges are negating your weekly calorie deficit, you won't see weight coming off. You probably are still losing at a slow pace, and if you don't mind that, then it is fine. Obviously you want to lose faster than that. If you are really intent at losing 1lb a week, you need to be consistant with your calorie intake all week......
  • CassOfAllTrades
    CassOfAllTrades Posts: 40 Member
    I'm definitely not NEGATING any calorie deficit as I'm only reaching my daily max, but I'll go ahead and give this one a try. I am always hesitant to give up everything, KWIM? I want to feel like if I really want that cookie, then I can have the cookie! :-D I just have to wait for the weekend to do it. I hate feeling totally deprived and tend to give up faster. As for strength training, that is my next goal! I have some weights and a bench, just have to manage my time a little better to find a few minutes to do it. Thanks everyone!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    What is your TOTAL calorie intake on weekdays? What is your net intake?

    How often are you weighing in? Are you adequately hydrated? Are you weighing and measuring your food?
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I would say stop drinking the espressos. The sugar could be what's sabotaging you! Also, you should indulge just one day on the weekends instead of friday, saturday, and sunday. Choose one "treat day" and that's it. Make it count but keep yourself somewhat in control (I like how you still make sure to stay at or under 2000 calories. That's a good plan.)
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Take measurements too...you'd be amazed.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    You are technically at a healthy weight and you really just started working out. I personally think your calories sound fine, they are around what I aim for. I am one inch and ten pounds bigger than you, so pretty close. I eat around 1400, sometimes over, plus all exercise calories and I splurge on weekends, probably more than you do. The only difference is I'm sure I eat a TON more protein than you do - I can't imagine getting anywhere near where I want to be with protein without eating lots of meat. But that shouldn't account for stalled weight. I've been losing a pound a week, average.

    But, for instance, I just go off a four week plateau. It just happens. Especially if your body is adjusting to a new exercise routine. I would just be patient -- if you know you are taking in fewer calories than you are using, it will happen eventually. When you are close to goal, the weight isn't going to just fall off. You will probably see a 1-3 pound sudden loss at some point.

    Just be sure that you are really tracking everything. And I second measuring and photos! You could be improving your body and not know it because you are looking at the scale. And I also second - third? - strength training.
  • CassOfAllTrades
    CassOfAllTrades Posts: 40 Member
    Total calorie intake on weekdays would be 1500+ however many calories I burned that day, give or take no more than about 100 calories. So if I burned 400 calories one day, I would eat about 1900 calories. I weigh in about every other day. I notice small fluctuations between 150-152.5 but I never really go above or below those numbers. As far as taking pictures, I can honestly say I think I look WORSE now that I'm working out than I did 2 months ago. I don't take measurements, but my clothes feel no different either. I honestly don't understand how I can weigh 152 and eat whatever I want and never work out and then start working out 5-6 days a week and cut back on calories AND improve my overall diet and not see any difference. It's baffling, LOL.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    It's entirely possible that you're under estimating your calories and then the weekend splurges are totally derailing you.
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough protein to fee your muscles. If you don't care for meat. Eat Tofu. Never had it? Don't like it?

    Well if you like mozzarella sticks, try this.
    Firm Tofu cut into 10 to 12 slices (rectangles)
    Coat it in Parmesan crusted Shake n Bake
    Bake it in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes on each side.
    It gives you protein and tasted great! Low cal too.
  • CassOfAllTrades
    CassOfAllTrades Posts: 40 Member
    I do high-protein meat replacements. We tried the Tofurkey kielbasa the other night- not great- but the Yves Italian sausages are pretty good. :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I think you are undereating by several hundred calories a day, every day. If you ate more and didn't exercise and didn't gain weight, then you should go back to that amount and start there.

    Also, use this first link below to help you fine tune your calorie needs. At age 29, 5'6" and 152 pounds, assuming you are working and/or caring for a child, I think you need to start at a much higher calorie goal than 1500. That is about the same as your BMR. You are exercising and need those calories too.






  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I gotta prove your title wrong. I have never tried to run 5 days a week on only 1500 calories. And I would never cut out bread. And I've never bought an HRM. And I always log on the weekends and often come in way under on the weekends.

    Having said that, I would advise you to check your calorie goal. If your HRM is showing that you burn 2000 not including exercise, then you probably shouldn't be restricting to 1500. Maybe that's why you want to eat so much on the weekends?
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    If you open your diary, we could probably give better input. :)

    I was wondering, do you know how you gained the weight? It seems like you put on a fair amount in a short time. You may have something medical going on.

    Another thing: how are you estimating your burn for the runs? If I went by what the treadmill says, it would be triple my actual burn. If I went by MFP, at least double. That could be the entire problem right there.

    I seriously don't think you are eating too FEW calories. If you are eating 1500 plus your running calories, I'm pretty sure you're fine. It never hurts to run the numbers, though.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    The OP is not running 5-6 days a week on 1500. She is running 5-6 days a week on 1500 PLUS the total amount of calories she burns running, probably around 1900 or 2000? Plus her overload on the weekends.

    ETA - If she has a TDEE of 2000 (without exercise) why shouldn't she cut back to 1500 (without exercise)? A 500 calorie deficit is normal.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    The OP is not running 5-6 days a week on 1500. She is running 5-6 days a week on 1500 PLUS the total amount of calories she burns running, probably around 1900 or 2000? Plus her overload on the weekends.

    ETA - If she has a TDEE of 2000 (without exercise) why shouldn't she cut back to 1500 (without exercise)? A 500 calorie deficit is normal.

    Her TDEE is probably more like 2300-2400 at her weight, age, height, and activity level. She should be set to lose no more than 1/2 lb per week since she is technically already at a healthy weight. So a deficit of 200-300 calories MAX should be used. That would mean she should be eating around 2000 a day, every day, regardless of exercise. She's eating 1500 on non-exercise days, and she's not losing. Plus she said she never goes over 2000...that is on her cheat days. She needs that amount every day. A cheat day could look more like 2500-2700.
  • orangelobster
    Make sure you are getting enough protein to fee your muscles. If you don't care for meat. Eat Tofu. Never had it? Don't like it?

    Well if you like mozzarella sticks, try this.
    Firm Tofu cut into 10 to 12 slices (rectangles)
    Coat it in Parmesan crusted Shake n Bake
    Bake it in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes on each side.
    It gives you protein and tasted great! Low cal too.

    This sounds good! I'm looking for appetizer/finger food type dishes.

    Questions though -

    1.) 20 minutes per side - meaning there are 4 sides or 2 sides?
    2.) How thick a rectangle should it be?

    Thanks :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think that you probably don't have a lot of weight to lose which is why it is coming off more slowly than you would like.

    We are the same height and I'm 165lbs, and I am aiming for 155, although once I'm there I may decide to lose a few more.

    I also aim for 1500 calories a day, and usually eat between 1300-1450. I work out 5 times a week - a mix of gym, PT, spinning, zumba and aerobics - I work part time a s a secondary school teacher, and I have 2 young kids who I constantly run round after. The calories I eat work for me, and I don't suppose you are any more active than I am, so I don't see why the same wouldn't work for you. I don't do a weekend splurge, or a cheat day or anything, so maybe that's the difference? I do have treats now and again, but only small amounts as part of my calorie allowance.

    Maybe you need to mix up the exercise a bit, and I would definitely recommend some strength training, and also making sure you eat lots of protein.