My big toes started hurting after mile 5

I ran 8 miles today. The first 5 miles felt pretty good then my big toes started hurting and going a little numb. Has this ever happened to anyone?


  • That used to happen to me when I ran regularly. Certain shoes made it worse, while others made it better. So I just attributed it to shoe fit.
  • kmorganlfc
    kmorganlfc Posts: 115 Member
    Are your shoes tight around the toes, or big toe-nail a little long?
  • Does it feel like bruising? And did you get a bruise after on your toenail? That could be what they call runners toe, and would be the fit of the shoes. Seems to be very common. I get pain in the joint where it joins my foot. That's my arthritis. It doesn't go numb though.
  • I've got mates who run fairly seriously and they always say that it's worth going to a specialist running shop (preferably one where they can video your gait) to buy shoes so you get the right ones for you.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    It happened to me in the past, then I found a suggestion that helped me. It said that sometimes the problem happens because we tie our shoe-laces to tightly.
    In order to make sure they aren't too tight, you should be able to put your shoes on and take them off without untying your laces.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    It happened to me in the past, then I found a suggestion that helped me. It said that sometimes the problem happens because we tie our shoe-laces to tightly.
    In order to make sure they aren't too tight, you should be able to put your shoes on and take them off without untying your laces.

    Wow! Really?

    I could never get my running shoes on without untying the laces. I'm gonna ask my running store about this!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    The tight laces wouldn't surprise me... I never tie/untie my shoes - I slide them on and off. If I tie them any tighter, they aggravate my ankle (which I broke as a tween). I never have trouble with my shoes 'flopping around'.
  • melodyjstray
    melodyjstray Posts: 19 Member
    Happens to me often! I did get a different pair of running shoes, and that seems to help some.
  • How long have u had ur running shoes. I change mines every 6 months as recommended
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    It happened to me in the past, then I found a suggestion that helped me. It said that sometimes the problem happens because we tie our shoe-laces to tightly.
    In order to make sure they aren't too tight, you should be able to put your shoes on and take them off without untying your laces.

    That is very interesting! I didn't think my shoes were too tight but maybe they were. I'll try it on my next run. Thank you.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    How long have u had ur running shoes. I change mines every 6 months as recommended

    I wear minimus shoes and they really don't need to be replaced very often. I've only had them 4 months anyway.
  • sakamanojr
    sakamanojr Posts: 378 Member
    The odd time my big toe will get sore and I have just given myself a little extra rest and it has gone away.
    Many times these things will show up and it will not be anything that will turn into trouble.
    Hope this numbness does not recur soon
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    The odd time my big toe will get sore and I have just given myself a little extra rest and it has gone away.
    Many times these things will show up and it will not be anything that will turn into trouble.
    Hope this numbness does not recur soon

    Thanks. I might have had too much rest before my run. 3 days. They don't hurt just walking around on them at least.
  • How long have u had ur running shoes. I change mines every 6 months as recommended

    I wear minimus shoes and they really don't need to be replaced very often. I've only had them 4 months anyway.

    not that then. hope u get to the bottom of it