New need to lose 140lbs

So my goal is to lose weight I want to become a mom and I feel that I need to sort my Heath first before I can accomplish that. And not only health but I want to also feel better about myself. So that's my story! Tell me about yours?


  • Welcome to MFP! You're already on the right track by coming here. Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:

    My story: I've always been the fat girl, then I came to college and joined the rugby team, met awesome people, and developed [increasing] self-confidence. Instead of gaining the freshman 15, I lost it! Fast forward to the summer before sophomore year (this year), I got really serious about training for rugby and lost 30 pounds from May - October. Now, I'm on my last 20 pounds of the journey. I started at 195 pounds, and I am 5'3". Getting in shape has not only helped me as an athlete, but mentally as well. I will NEVER see 195 on the scale again. I will never let myself go again. I discovered that I am so much better than that. Do this for YOU.

    Because we're all worth it :drinker: .
  • hey amnda welcome, im new here too!

    my name is maria 26 year, my goal is to lose weight for myself health and to be mom too
    cant wait to reach my goal

    u go girl we can do it :)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    same story here gals!!! I am 5.3 was 180 pounds then came down to 152 & now up again on 165 :sad:
    Love the gym Workouts, aerobics, belly dance etc. its just that I leave it for a month or 2 & bingo!!! here i am again all fat & flabby :tongue:

    so now all my hard work gone down to drains & am starting over again :sick:

    wish me luck & goodluck to u all too:flowerforyou:
  • amandagk86
    amandagk86 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're already on the right track by coming here. Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:

    My story: I've always been the fat girl, then I came to college and joined the rugby team, met awesome people, and developed [increasing] self-confidence. Instead of gaining the freshman 15, I lost it! Fast forward to the summer before sophomore year (this year), I got really serious about training for rugby and lost 30 pounds from May - October. Now, I'm on my last 20 pounds of the journey. I started at 195 pounds, and I am 5'3". Getting in shape has not only helped me as an athlete, but mentally as well. I will NEVER see 195 on the scale again. I will never let myself go again. I discovered that I am so much better than that. Do this for YOU.

    Because we're all worth it :drinker: .
    Thank you! I used to be an active person too, then all of a sudden I began to feel exhausted all the time, and I was gaining weight despite eating healthy so I was diagnosed as hypothyroid and I am currently finally after 2 1/2 years at a normal TSH level.
    You are so inspiring! :flowerforyou: thank you for sharing your story! :heart:
  • amandagk86
    amandagk86 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 26 too! A few months away from turning 27!
    We can do it!
  • Hi!
    There is a group here on MFP for people over 200lbs. Check it out and become a member. :)
  • amandagk86
    amandagk86 Posts: 6 Member
    That has got be so frustrating! Much luck to you too!
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    That's an awesome story. My journey to better health came from me having a terrible couple of years when I left my ex of 10 years. I put on a lot of weight at the stress of our relationship I did some soul searching in my single time. And made so many beautiful changes inside. I wanted my outside to reflect my inside. My starting weight was 344 pounds. 2 years later I'm down 120 pounds with 59 pounds to go til I get to my goal weight. When I get there I see how my body is and if I want to lose more. I've learned a lot about clean eating a long the way and I went from being a couch potato to a gym rat. I have fallen in love with lifting weights. I ran my first mile ever in my life at 270 pounds. I am determined to reach this goal. And one day I will get there. Currently, I will be happy when I am under 200 pounds but I believe in eating more to weigh less so I'm sure it will be a good six months before I see that I got bout 25 pounds to go to reach that mark. I will be SO happy when I make it that far. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me. The main thing that I have learned a long the way is that even if you have a bad day or an off week, don't give up. If you fall off the wagon, just dust yourself off and get back on. If you keep going you will reach you goal I promise you. And if you're not losing fast enough, don't get discouraged. Every little bit adds up and one day soon you will be at your goal.