What's your Goal?

edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I don't mean your goal weight. Is there something you want once you lose all the weight? I have to lose about 135 to reach 170..... (we'll see where I go from there)..... I have to say I am torn on one hand the first thing I wanna buy is an adorable leather jacket, but on the other hand I want this tattoo that goes down my rib cage. Honestly because I think it will be a visual reminder of how far I have come (also to put down that cookie and get my butt to the gym). Now everyone elses goals may not be sooooo.... materialistic..... maybe you wanna run a marathon, or just be healthly..... but either way I wanna know..... what's your goal?


  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    My goal was to lose 136 lbs. I have lost 125 but my new goal is to complete and Iron Man Triathlon in 2012.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    my goal is to see somewhat of a muscle definition in my mid-section when i'm moving around. i don't just want a slim middle, but a rock-hard one. I also decided to reward myself when i loose about 3 pounds. i usually just want to go SHOPPING. this will remind me of my hard work, and shopping for clothes that look better on you makes it all the more while.
  • I just started and haven't really thought about it, but perhaps a cruise.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    When I get to my goal weight of 155 I will get a tattoo to symbolize my journey not sure what yet and I would also like to take a trip to some place warm.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I just want to lose my 117# so that I can run across a play ground with my grandkids:love: and play with them and not feel like I am dying:frown: while doing this..I just want to be the Nana that can do anything that they want me to:flowerforyou: ..with out embarrising myself and them:noway: ..and as a reward to myself when I lose all of that I want to take a trip to the beach with my hubby(who is losing weight also already down 19#):heart: ..and of course take my grandkids with us so we can run on the beach...:wink:
  • chefcc
    chefcc Posts: 143
    I have always been a pretty healthy person. As a kid and most of my adult life I have never been sick. But now I have high cholesterol. My family has a history of strokes so my goal is to get my cholesterol and weight under control, because I want to live long enough to see my daughter grow up and have a family of her own. I want to chase my grandkids around the yard and hear their laughter.:smile:
  • I started a year ago with the goal of losing 100 lbs. My reward would be going on a family bicycle tour. I think I've decided on touring the northern CA coast/ napa valley area. I'm down 38.2 lbs. We just bought new trikes to train on. So yeah I haave a long way to go, and lots fo training rides/exercise to get there. I'm hoping to be able to do some longer rides/weekend trips this summer. The riding really seems to be what I need to do to make the weight move.
  • -15 lbs. - Take a little money and buy myself something special. (only 4lbs. away!)

    -30 lbs. - Buy new (hopefully smaller) bras.

    -45 lbs - New outfit and a night out with friends.

    -55 lbs - Shopping spree! Celebrate with new clothes and getting my hair and nails done!

    When I reach this goal I will start trying on wedding gowns! We are planning on getting married in a year or so and I will be much happier trying on a gown at about 44lbs lighter! I have never really stuck with anything for very long so I would also like to maintain my dedication to my body and my health. When I reach my goal I will also set new goals to get even stronger and healthier.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: when I started 13 months ago, I wanted to be able to wear a shirt tucked in and a belt and be able to shop for clothes without crying.......one day at a time I've gone beyond that to the day I walked into a store and the saleswoman said "I don't think we have anything here that will fit you, you're so tiny:bigsmile:
  • Awesome! Mine is very similar! I've always said I want to be able to tuck my shirt in with a belt, too. And our funny little goal in the office is to go to our local blood bank to donate blood and be able to check off the little box that says "I weigh under 115 lbs." :)

    In all seriousness, my goals are to be able to run with my church's running group and to compete and finish the 5k my women's group has been putting on for 10 years. I would feel so accomplished if my friends that were there volunteering would be able to stop and cheer me on for a change! They all know my weight struggles and it would make them all proud.

    And of course, to be able to shop anywhere, at anytime and not have to go upstairs to the "big girls" dept.
    :flowerforyou: when I started 13 months ago, I wanted to be able to wear a shirt tucked in and a belt and be able to shop for clothes without crying.......one day at a time I've gone beyond that to the day I walked into a store and the saleswoman said "I don't think we have anything here that will fit you, you're so tiny:bigsmile:
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    I only joined in January with a real determination to be fitter and healthier this year than I been for a long long time!! I have joined many slimming clubs and this has to be the best yet?

    I want to be able to sit on a Cornish beach and not feel that I haven't just drifted onto it by the last tide!! I want to see my reflection in a shop window, like what I see and not think who the hell is that.... oh its me yuk!!!!!

    I feel that I am on the right track at the moment, I just hope that this bubble doesn't burst!!

    You guys are such an inspiration!
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