Wish me luck!

Sorry this is quite long :/

So I've finally bitten the bullet to start getting fit. I'm by no means fat (5'3", 54kgs, F) but I'm not slim and I'm just not happy with my body.
I was thinking of starting this as a new years resolution but then I thought "why wait another month? it's just another excuse. start now." So I started last Tuesday with 1.5hrs of kick boxing, this is a regular thing for me anyway since September but I took a month off because of having too much work to do (uni student). Then I followed it up with 1.5hrs of sparring on Friday. These two things alone knackered me out and I ached all over yesterday but something clicked and I had motivation to do more.
So last night before bed I did punches, squats, sit ups, push ups and running on the spot, 10 of each X 5.
Woke up this morning a bit achy but wanted to keep it up so I drew up a plan for the weeks to come:

Sunday: C25k (first run I've ever completed!), 200 squats challenge (did the initial test today for squats and did 100 straight away - surprised myself there!!)
Monday: 100 Sit ups challenge, 100 push ups challenge
Tuesday: Kick boxing
Wednesday: C25k, 200 squats challenge
Thursday: 100 Sit ups challenge, 100 push ups challenge
Friday: C25k, 200 squats challenge
Saturday: 100 Sit ups challenge, 100 push ups challenge

Right so I know there's no dedicated "rest day" but as I'm working different muscle groups each day (with the exception of kick boxing which is all over) then there'll be plenty of time to rest in between sessions. I'm not stupid though if I need a rest day I will take it as and when I need rather than assigning a specific day, as this will work better with my uni schedule anyway.

Going to be tough to stick to it but I'm hoping I can keep motivated as it's the only way I can change!


  • Your motivation is incredible and very inspiring! Don't do *too* much though. I think ptobably other people on here can give you better advice, but from me, a novice, it does look like an awful lot and you might exhaust yourself. I might be wrong, but either way, I love your ambition and drive :)
  • EDIT: forgot to quote.... oops. Total noob to this/

    Hey! Thanks for your reply. I've never really been motivated to do anything before I was content just sitting back and being unhappy but I don't know what changed over the past week but I have so much drive that I just have to run with it just incase it doesn't come again!

    I know I'm asking a lot of myself but if I don't push myself then I won't bother, I know what I'm like. I'm more than willing to take rests where needed though as I really don't want to injure myself or lose motivation. I'm finally attacking my demons and I'm proud of myself that I've even started! It's the furthest I've gotten since I was 16-17 which was 4-5 years ago.

    All I want is to look in a mirror and be happy with what I see. Others may tell me I look great but until I feel that way about myself it's all empty words. We're all in this together and its extra motivation reading everyone else's stories on here. True inspiration!
  • Your motivation is incredible and very inspiring! Don't do *too* much though. I think probably other people on here can give you better advice, but from me, a novice, it does look like an awful lot and you might exhaust yourself. I might be wrong, but either way, I love your ambition and drive :)

    Hey! Thanks for your reply. I've never really been motivated to do anything before I was content just sitting back and being unhappy but I don't know what changed over the past week but I have so much drive that I just have to run with it just incase it doesn't come again!

    I know I'm asking a lot of myself but if I don't push myself then I won't bother, I know what I'm like. I'm more than willing to take rests where needed though as I really don't want to injure myself or lose motivation. I'm finally attacking my demons and I'm proud of myself that I've even started! It's the furthest I've gotten since I was 16-17 which was 4-5 years ago.

    All I want is to look in a mirror and be happy with what I see. Others may tell me I look great but until I feel that way about myself it's all empty words. We're all in this together and its extra motivation reading everyone else's stories on here. True inspiration!
  • Definitely good to push yourself :) Remember one thing, though - rest days are important to help you with future exercise. There's a quote I like by Aristotle - "The maxim of Anacharis, Play so that you may be serious, may be taken as pointing in the right direction. For amusement is a form of rest or relaxation, and rest we need because we cannot always be working. Rest then is not an end but a means to a future activity." So, if you ever feel bad about having a rest day, think of it as a work day - you're working to rest so that you may worker harder tomorrow :)
  • That's an excellent way of thinking about it :). Definitely going to think of it like that from now on!