Just thinking about sugar these days...

Anybody have any opinions on the elimination of sugar from your diet? It sounds like a brilliant idea- I'm just thinking about its feasibility.

Also, I usually need a good kick in the @$$- so, anyone interested in a "Kick Sugar for Jan, 2013" challenge with me?


  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ok, not trying to be picky but do you mean added sugar from table or do you mean sugar in all the processed foods? Or both?
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    I dunno. Im thinking that getting rid of out right sugar, and sugar substitute, would be best. I am pretty good about cooking my own food anyway, so thats not much of a problem, but still. Is it possible to get rid of ALL sugar?
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    I personally dont worry about sugar from fruits or vegetables, though I dont eat massive amounts of fruit anyway. I add no sugar to beverages (I only drink water and green tea-I like eating calories more than drinking them). No added sugar in any cooking and my husband and I watch out for sugar free options for the few processed foods we do eat like peanut butter. The sugar free stuff is good and once your tastebuds are retrained to enjoy foods without the unnecessary sweetness, most foods do too. :-)

    When we are out and occassionally indulge we dont feel guilty because it is only 2-3 times a month and we still watch our portions - plus sharing a dessert or a milkshake is romantic. We also plan indulgences around special occasions when we know there will be desserts.

    I am looking into tweaking some baking recipes to no sugar and we are trying to use fruits as dessert as they taste as good ans offer nutrition sugary cakes dont.

    So I guess my take is try to eliminate it one at a time ans recognise you will indulge sometimes and thats fine. 90% sugar free will do wonders for your health amd tastebuds. At least it did for us.

    Good luck.