i feel embarresed to my weight

i feel embarrassed because i love to dance especially to michael jackson and so whenever i dance they make my confidence low. ANY ADVICE. BECAUSE I NEED AS MUCH AS I CAN GET . I HOPE THIS DIET WORKS!


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Just dance like nobody is watching :) Dance for yourself! Dance as much as you can until you are dripping with sweat and dance every day - log your food (every bite you take) and start to cut out unhealthy foods.

    Between your dancing and your diet you will get to the size where you feel more comfortable. Give yourself the gift of time - these things don't happen overnight.
  • Mommy08
    Mommy08 Posts: 73 Member
    You will have a very hard time achieving your goals until you accept yourself as you are right now. It's really true that you have to be positive and optimistic. If you are cutting yourself down and don't have any confidence, how do you expect to do this for yourself when you are acting like your own worst enemy? We are all guilty of it but hang in there and take some pride in realizing you are doing this for you and you are making the choice to be healthier. Good luck my friend!