Insanity or 30 Day Shred for -10lbs in a month?

Hello! Just want to ask people from experience which was the most effective - 30 Day shred or Insanity in a month? I'm on my vacation atm,and wanted to tone up/lose at around 8 lbs - 10 lbs in a month (targeted weight loss ~ 2lbs+ a week).
I currently weigh 131 lbs and I'm 5'5.


  • Tricep_A_Tops
    Neither, eating at a deficit is the key not the exercise program that you choose to do. Use whatever exercise/ program you choose to get you in better shape, become healthier or allow you to eat more calories per day but still lose fat. With that said I do Insanity for my cardio,
  • mischapk
    Hello! Yeah I plan on eating at my BMR at around 1400 per day and then exercising every day.I'm back at my home for vacation so it's do-able :) I planned on doing 2 hours everyday - so my first plan was Insanity and Mari Winsor's 20 minutes Pilates.