New Year's Resolution; How ya still doing?

agr8tguy Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Helo everyone:

Well, I'm new to myfirnesspal. This is my first post, and I was just wondering how everyone was doing with their 2010 new years resolution to lose weight?

I just want to encourage you to not quit if you happen to slip a bit, you can still do it! Just make up your mind that tommrow is a new day and try, try again! I've lost an incredible 27 lbs on the Optifast diet since January 7th.

It's hard, but with exercise and plenty of H2O, I'm hanging in there. How are you doing? Hit me up with your success 8>):smile:


  • FitChickBritt
    FitChickBritt Posts: 161 Member
    My new years resolution was to run a marathon in 2010. Today I ran 16.75 mi and I am getting closer and closer to that goal a lot faster than I thought I would. Thanks for the encouragement.! Welcome to the site :smile:
  • I've lost 14.4 pounds so far since starting my new years resolution!
  • Hi. My New Year's resolution was to lose weight and get healthier... I'm doing better than I have before! I've been logging in and following my plan for 45 days straight and I've lost 11 lbs. Very happy with that. I thought I was getting my 2 older sisters involved but they aren't doing as well. Hopefully, I'll inspire them... they have a lot more to lose than I do, as well. I hope others can stay on track, whatever their resolutions are - in my case, it's totally worth it!
    A. :happy:
  • This is actually the first time I've kept one of my resolutions! I resolved to lose weight and get far I've lost 24 lbs. and I've never felt healthier in my life.

    Congrats to all you out there who are keeping up with your resolutions!!
  • Hi, I am happy to say that after 38 days I am still keeping up with my New Years Resolution of losing weight and getting healthy. I am 18 lbs. lighter and I feel great. Although this morning I tweaked my ankle so that kept me from pushing myself during my workout. I was so looking forward to a strong workout today too so i could gain some calories. My injury only put me in a bad mood which only irritated my fiance. Suffice to say not the best Valentines Day, but tomorrow is another day and hopefully my ankle will feel better and I can make it up to myself and my fiance.
  • Hey! :flowerforyou: My new years resolution was to take better care of myself in general and lose 90 pounds. I started on January 10th and so far I've lost 20 pounds!! :happy: I find that eating right is now very natural and not so much a struggle as it was in the beginning. I want this to be the year that I look back on and say " I did it!" :drinker: With every passing day it gets easier and every day i look forward to making the choices that are gonna get me to my goal. I'm so excited!! I havent been thin since high school a whole 10 years ago!! Shopping here I come haha :laugh:
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