Sugar, why do I love thee?



  • FSL010
    FSL010 Posts: 65 Member
    I would say eat/drink less than the day before everyday, this way you will eventually be able to control your sugar cravings. Don't just stop sugar cuz then you will eventually get frustrated and eat a lot of sugar at the end. And don't drink diet sodas, they have more chemicals than the regular ones which makes it even worse than regular ones, you can look it up.
    I tried eating/drinking no sugar but after the 3rd day i got mad and ate a whole 8in cake with some chocolate chip cookies and tea. Still regret that... lol
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Sprinkels-I love those Mexican Cokes too! We buy them once a year for Christmas. They taste so much better without high fructose corn syrup!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Throw your sugar and sugary foods away, only go grocery shopping on a full stomach so you don't crave fatty or sugary things, don't walk up the aisles that contain your weaknesses, buy some sucralose, xylitol or stevia for sweetening. If you are buying sugary things from a vending machine or coffee shop on a daily basis, stop carrying money and stop even walking or driving past those places. It's a habit like any other, there are triggers and associations you need to break.
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    At this point, I drink MOSTLY water. Here's what I did:
    - Seriously cut back on my soda. Stopped buying it and stopped getting it when I went out. After a while, I didn't really miss it. I still keep a few diet sodas around for when I really crave one, but I very rarely drink soda now.
    - Started mixing my sweet tea with unsweet. Then started getting unsweet and just adding a little splenda. I grew up in the south, and I've been a sweet tea addict for was hard for me to cut out the sugar in my tea, but I don't really miss it now.
    - Started drinking Crystal Light. Juices still have a lot of calories and sugar, so I would use Crystal Light instead when I wanted something flavored to drink. Gradually, I cut back and drank more water without flavoring. I rarely use Crystal Light now.

    I've also noticed that the more sugar I eat, the more I crave! I try to snack on fruit when I want something sweet, but I don't always have fruit around.

    Some friends have told me that they quit sugars cold-turkey for a week or so, and didn't miss it afterwards. I've been meaning to try it, but I will probably wait until after the holidays. (So my cravings end with the holidays and I don't drag out the goodies binge.)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    jesswait, do you know if any hot teas taste good cold??? I like the hot teas that have there own sweetness to them never even need sugar but I just don't like the hotness, I have to have most my beverages just above cool, too cold gives me headaches, too warm makes me feel overheated.

    Wow, it sounds like you're super picky about what you drink. You might have to make some compromises. Sweet drinks are sort of addictive, and the more you drink the more you'll crave.

    You really would benefit tremendously if you could justget used to drinking water, coffee, and tea (all w/o any sugar!). You'll probably have to put artificial sweeter in your coffee and tea at first. Try and decrease the amount you use over time.
  • FairyMomma408
    jesswait, do you know if any hot teas taste good cold??? I like the hot teas that have there own sweetness to them never even need sugar but I just don't like the hotness, I have to have most my beverages just above cool, too cold gives me headaches, too warm makes me feel overheated.

    Wow, it sounds like you're super picky about what you drink. You might have to make some compromises. Sweet drinks are sort of addictive, and the more you drink the more you'll crave.

    You really would benefit tremendously if you could justget used to drinking water, coffee, and tea (all w/o any sugar!). You'll probably have to put artificial sweeter in your coffee and tea at first. Try and decrease the amount you use over time.

    You all are soo wonderful!!!!! Thank you all so much for your advice :)

    ahamm, yes, I am super picky about what I drink, I wish I weren't. I can't regulate my body temperature very well, so I try to limit shocking temps. I don't drink much coffee at all, when I'm not drinking soda, which I haven't in almost two days, I drink tea or soy milk. I'll probably have to decrease slowly, that way everyone here isn't being cut off.

    Gonna make tea soon and I'm going to start measuring the amount I put in. I used to add only a cup, of course then certain people ask me why its not sweeter. I'm in a place now though where no one will say that/ it won't affect me.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I pretty much cut out sugary stuff cold turkey, and while it was a struggle in the very beginning, I do not crave it at all now. It literally helped me to break a lifelong pattern of eating crap. Now when I think I want a bite of something sugary that my kids or someone else has, and I actually try it, it tastes icky. This is no small thing for me!