Help - I'm going to be throwing away my smokes...



  • tanzmitpalmer
    tanzmitpalmer Posts: 124 Member
    Quit 11 days ago, and I've already gained 5 lbs... but I told myself that quitting was temporarily more important than the weight loss. So if I wanted a handful of chips in place of a cigarette, I'd do it. In my mind, better that than another layer of tar in my lungs. But now I'm comfortable enough with the not-smoking that I think I can get back into my normal MFP routine.

    I reckon what I'm saying is... don't worry too much about it if you take a dive into some munchies here and there. Quitting smoking is seriously hard business, but seriously worth the effort. It's a bit easier to recover from a stumbling episode in dieting than it is to recover from a stumble in quitting smoking. Just do it in moderation. If the "lesser of two evils" gets problematic, kick yourself in the pants and start paying attention. Five pounds in 11 days is really ridiculous, which is why I'm back on here and ready to kick some calorie-count butt :3
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