Multiple attempts, finally making it!!!

Hi! Im a 32 year old married mother of 5 children. Im 5 foot 10 inches tall, with a medium / large frame.
starting weight was 246, goal weight is 180 (im comfy at 180)

A couple years ago, I noticed I had gained 40 pounds over the 2 years since I had quit smoking. I tried weight watchers online a few months, lost a couple pounds, then gave it up. Then I found MFP in 2011, and gave it another try... gave that up about a week later... Then January 1 2012, I woke up with the worse hangover of my life. I counted the beers that my aunt and I had drank the night before, and there were over 50 empty beer bottles... I was SO SICK!!! I couldnt eat for like 3 days after that... On January 4th, I noticed the scale had dropped over that 3 day "sick" period from 246 to 240... I was like... "oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh" so I decided to give it another try. This attempt lasted a couple months, and I lost 15 pounds! Superbowl Sunday really screwed it up for me though, and I lost my mojo after that! I went from late Feb to Sep 2012 eating bad again, but to my surprise, I had only gained back about 5 pounds! In September, I decided to give it another try. Went to LA Fitness, got me a membership, wrote out my meal plan, and dove in! Its been 3 months, and here I am, sticking with it! I give myself a cheat day, to go out and have fun with the kids, every OTHER week, for only 1 day! It gives me something to look forward to, and helps me stay on for the remaining 28 days of the month! My goal in January 2012, was to get below 200 by the end of the year... I was 245 at that point... THIS WEEKEND, I OFFICIALLY WEIGHED IN AT 204.7, AND I KNOW, WITHOUT A DOUBT, I WILL REACH MY GOAL OF 199 BY DECEMBER 31 2012!!!

I just wanted to motivate others like me, who cant stay on board, to keep trying, because, eventually, when you get serious, and get your head in the game, it will pay off! I feel so much better, I look so much better,,, my husband cant keep his hands off me :) and my kids are so proud of me!!! i still have another 25 pounds to go, but just getting under 200 will be such a huge accomplishment for me, and im so excited!!!