I'm new

I think my story is pretty typical. My weight has been a yo yo that bounces between 130 and 150. Occasionally it dips lower, but thus far (fingers crossed) it hasn't gone higher. Right now I'm at 149, and I'd really like to get back to the lower end of that spectrum before summer for a few reasons.

1. I don't want to be the chunky sister
2. I'm getting married =)

I'm not engaged yet, officially, but we've been together six years. Marriage wasn't really a priority for either of us before, but now we're starting to think about having children so we don't want to wait too much longer.

My history:

I was naturally thin until I hit high school, then I gained weight fairly steadily, going from 125ish to 150. Senior year I got serious about losing weight and got down to 132 by April. I pretty much stayed close to that weight all through college. Then I graduated college, got a desk job, went back up to 150 >=(. I started working out hardcore, got down to 142....got stuck for about 6 months. I went on Metformin for acne and my weight went down to 134. But since it was metformin-related weight loss...it climbed back up to 140. Then...stupidly...I started taking adderall. I got down to 132 again...the adderall started taking a toll, I stopped takign it...and here I am. 149.

This time I'm going to do this the intelligent way, like I did the first time in high school. I'm going to work out, eat healthy, and lose weight the right way. I've learned my lesson about pharmaceuticals.

I finished the first month of Insanity in November. It was a workout I really liked, but Thanksgiving derailed me from starting Month 2. I also gained weight on it because I ate like a glutton--I felt hungry all the time! So now I want to start over with the Insanity workout, but this time be more strict with my diet.

This is hard over the holidays, but really it's never easy, so now is as good of a time to start as any.

Hope to meet new people! I don't know much about how this site works, but I'm learning.
