Crossfit Rocks!!

I recently started doing Crossfit, and OH MY GOD! That stuff gives me a high! You can start wherever you are right now. I was SOOOO intimidated at first, thinking I wasn't in shape enough or that it was too hard. It's worth it!


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    It isn't for, not all studios are the same. I am lucky and found good trainers, others I know haven't been as lucky and were pushed to hard to fast. Make sure your trainers are constantly watching and correcting form, plus they aren't pushing you to do weights beyond your ability when you start.
  • mndmazes
    I have just been doing it for 3 months and I love, love, love it. Feel like I am totally drinking the Kool Aid, but have tried everything and never liked working out this much! Glad you found it (and good trainers, a box you like). Yay crossfit!!
  • nomorechub68
    @uber....agreed.....I WISH crossfit could be for everyone because I would be giving it a go. I recently went to a Crossfit gym and met with the owner...she was awesome....but we quickly determined that I have a lot of work to do before I would be able to do even the beginner Crossfit classes due to a knee injury that has left me with inability to have full extension. I am active as I can be with this DANG knee. personal trainer...working with the knee.....MAYBE I can do Crossfit down the line. It is for injury free folk. I am jealous...that is for sure.