Need to lose 140 pounds!

I'm currently at 275 pounds and want to lose 140. I don't have much of a support system, but I need to lose the weight, so I figured here was a good place to start. Even my husband doesn't believe I'll work hard to lose the weight because I've tried so many other ways that I didn't like. I tried P90X and Insanity, but right now I don't think they're for me. Let me tell ya, it sucks feeling like your husband thinks you're fat! More important though, is my son and making sure he knows how to be healthy so he doesn't have to go through this.


  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    There are people on here that have lost over 300 lbs. It is not easy, but it is worth it. Friend me is you want. Think of it as a life style change and not a diet.
  • curvychaos
    I'm right there with you. My total weight loss goal is about 140 as well. I'm 60 in but have a ways to go. Slow and steady wins the race. It's a scary path, especially if your spouse isn't on board. But there are a lot of wonderful people on this site that will encourage you along the way. I'd like to be one of those people. Add me!
  • lessofLisain13
    lessofLisain13 Posts: 15 Member
    First of all hun you have come to the right place. You can do anything that you put your mind to, and don't let anyone tell you or try to convince you otherwise!! It will be a hard journey at times but you can do it. Feel free to add me if you like and good luck :)
  • stacypepper
    stacypepper Posts: 4 Member
    Hi jkelly59! I'm Stacy and I have a big goal too~ I started at 267 and I would love to get to about 150. I'm currently at 234. I've never been a thin person so I don't really expect to get "skinny" but I DO expect to be healthier and more fit! I started out by dieting alone and have just started a workout plan. It's called Walk at Home with Leslie Sansome. I kinda like it because it is low impact and it is something I can do without killing myself. Once I get down a bit, I'm planning on doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I'm not quite ready for that yet! :)

    Praying for you that you get to your goal weight. For me it has been small decisions everyday to eat better and watch portion sizes. MFP has helped with that so much. I really didn't realize how much I was eating!

    Feel free to add me if you need encouragement and again...good luck to you!
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    I have lost 32 of my 61 goal pounds, feel free to add me. I think that my husband completely doubted me also, until I lost 20 and everyone started to say how good I looked and was doing. Now he understands that he actually gets to reap the rewards of my looking better and he can support me for the rest of this challenge. Sounds like you need to start with an easier program that you will see some results from so you can get excited! Little steps get you a long way in the long run!
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Add me if you're looking for support. My main focus is health and well being. The bonus is weight loss. This means that I don't EVER stress about where my weight is. I'm eating healthier foods most of the time, smaller portions all the time and just enjoying the transformation. I started around 245-50lbs and I'm now under 200lbs for the first time in a long while.

    For years I wanted to wear smaller clothes and looking rocking hot. And yet I never got motivated enough to do anything about it. But when my physical health became an issue I found all the motivation I needed to improve my quality of life. If I can do this, then you can too. Plus I love to prove people wrong.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    my husband doubted me too since like you, i had tried every crazy diet out there and nothing worked for longer than a few months...i would lose and then just put it right back on plus some extra...

    feel free to add me if you like...if you are reall determind to lose weight then dont let him or any other negative nancy stop you...
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    1 day at a time and the Heck with the negative people, even if it is your husband. If YOU are ready, you CAN do it!

    What did you not like about the programs you did before? I'm thinking maybe a bit aggressive up front.
    Sounds like you've tried before, and given up, what makes you stop? Knowing this is how we can help you even more!

    If you change everything in a day its pretty darn hard to keep it up. Slow and steady wins the race!

    Fruits and veggies are your friends!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I started at 278 and now at 195, with another 30 to go, trust me you can do it. I am very much a private person but found this site and all the encouragement really helps. As long as you believe in yourself it dosen't matter what other's think! I know it can be hard if your biggest supporter in life dosen't think you can do it, but turn that into motivation to prove him wrong! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Gingeeee
    Hi Jkelly, when I started I weighed 273lbs and now I am at 209lbs. I did every diet program you can think of. Set smalll goals, like 20lbs and lose that and then set another goal. Dont look at it as 140lbs that you have to lose. You can do this, I did the same thing for years trying and not quite succeeding. Dont listen to anyone who is negative about it. Just wait when your down 30 or 40lbs wha twill they say then. Stay focused on you, not them. Do this for yourself, life is just so much better when you feel fit, it changes everything.
  • mains1524
    hey good luck ive been a memeber here for a while but today is actually the first time i used it from what i noticed around here if you need any help it sounds like anyone here will help
  • airforcewife1007
    airforcewife1007 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm very busy...I'm a full-time mom and student, and I work part-time in addition to maintaining our household. My schedule doesn't allow me to go to the gym during a time when they have child care, and in between those times, I have to be on mommy duty because my hubby's at work. My only "real" free time comes around 10 pm...and by then I am so not motivated to work out, and I've let that keep me from achieving my goal. Plus, I hate actually working out. I want to have fun while I do it, and walking on the treadmill or doing those videos just isn't fun for me. I figure that for a while I'll just try to change my eating habits and throw some cardio in (I love playing Just Dance, just not sure how much of a good cardio workout that is). Once my schedule eases up a bit next summer I'd like to finally complete P90X.
  • curvychaos
    I'm right there with you jkelly! I work full time, go to school and have two little boys to raise. Once you get into working out, it truly becomes an addiction. I couldn't imagine not doing it now. My old trainer use to say, "Even if you don't have time to work out, you have time to eat right." Focus on that for now. Use MFP, stay within your calories and the weight just comes off. I believe you can do this. I've got a lot of obstacles but I make it happen. Don't fear making you a priority. It all counts! From cleaning the house to hauling a fussy toddler to his room for a nap. You've got this! :D
  • mssweetj
    mssweetj Posts: 6 Member
    welcome aboard
    you're on the right sight and you will find awesome support!!
  • XjXannX
    XjXannX Posts: 44 Member
    well, you CAN do it, you just have to work hard and believe in yourself! after my son was born i weighed almost 240 lbs and lost all of the weight, i'm 200 now after 2nd pregnancy and working to get the weight off. feel free to add me, anyone (:
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    I started at 324 and am down to 308. In about 5 weeks. AND I can honestly say I have not been perfect about my diet and exercise in the last 3 weeks. But if you really want to do this, you will. Good on you for teaching your children how to be healthy. I failed in that and now my daughter is 5'3 and close to 350 lbs. She's 23 now, but still at home. I'm hoping that even at this late stage though, I can be an inspiration and role model to her and she will follow in my footsteps health-wise.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    When I first started this well over a year ago now, I'm pretty certain my husband doubted that it would be any different than in the past. But I lost weight, and even though I've slipped back some and keep struggling he's now a great supporter.

    I hope yours turns around once he sees you doing well.
  • hockeyfrk
    You can do it!! I lost 200lbs 9 yrs ago and kept it off for almost 8 before it has begun the creep. I am here to nip it in the bud.

    I also tried Insanity but OMG I am about 30 lbs from being to do it in any meaningful way.

    It is tough on the Mommy track but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • fit_to_be
    welcome to MFP

    You can do it believe me nothing is impossible, it's about time and you will get there.
    think positive and eat clean and healthy try to find time to workout even 30 min!
    you will find good support here, feel free to add me anyone
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    Anyone who doesn't believe you can do it is an opportunity to rub it in their face when you do. Welcome to MPF!