Plateaus Suck!



  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks to those who have posted so,far. I knew once I pressed the post thread button, my diet, in particular, would be open to criticism. Believe it or not, it is a lot better than it was about six months ago. I am a chef by trade, and with a degree in Food Science, I certainly KNOW what I should be eating, but putting it into practice takes baby steps. As far as exercise goes, I have gone from literally sitting on the couch everyday to going to the gym 4 days/week. I don't love it yet, but I have found a routine I can live with, so I'm not sure if I'm ready for protien shakes and heavy lifting, but I will consider it and all the suggestions so far.

    The one thing I really wish I had done when I started MFP was take my measurements. I can see the difference in the mirror and that's exciting, but I wish the scale would prove to me I'm not just seeing things. :)

  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    I feel your pain. I may or may not have pounds to lose, but there are certainly some inches around my waistline that I'm trying to make disappear... and because I'm relatively near my goal, it's SO SLOW. I'm nearing 6 months at this and I'm down 7 pounds, more or less

    I rationally know I'm doing the right things, but I totally get the frustration

    Upping your calories is the right thing to do! At 5'6" and around 145 pounds, I eat 1700 when I don't exercise. 1350 is nothing :) I'm sure you'll level out any time now, and hopefully drop a few more pounds in the near future

    Just give it time, do some yelling at the wall if you need to, but do feel some pride at how you're taking charge of your health. You'll be fine!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You aren't on a plateau if you can see the difference in the mirror. Ignore the scales and start taking measurements from today.

    Also I don't think anyone said you have to use protein shake just that you must up your protein if you don't want to be skinny fat.