
I just pushed myself harder than ever with my running and managed a 5k in 31mins. Not bad since I quit smoking almost a week ago. I'm -pretty proud of myself and needed to share :)


  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Good on you!! Fantastic job - imagine how far your body will allow you to go from now on!!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    great job
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    That's great, well done!
  • willhare
    willhare Posts: 44 Member
    Awesome job! Congrats on quitting smoking as well! Good luck going forward!
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    That is a SUPER fast time--great job!! And congratulations on quitting smoking--I quit ten months ago, and it's NOT easy!!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    That's great! Just ran my second 5k ever on Saturday and did it in just over 34 minutes, I was thrilled with that!
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    Awesome!! Way To GO!
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Excellent! And congrats on the not smoking :)
  • browi
    browi Posts: 47 Member
    Awesome - keep running!
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Nice one, hope you love running it gets quite addictive when you start racing longer distances :D
  • :happy: Thanks everyone I actually used to run more but let that slide especially when I picked up smoking again. I do love the rush I get from running! I have done a couple 10k races in the past. Last one was in may 2011 and I was happy then with my time of 66 mins and I was 10lbs heavier at the time. I love to challenge myself and can be very competative at times. I am aiming to do the sun run which is a 10k in may of 2013 and would love to get er done in an hour :happy: