Eight month progress pics

Hi everyone,
I've been a member here on MFP since March but I've never posted, so hello!

I am hoping to get some help from you all about my progress since 3/31/2012. I started at 144 pounds, and I am currently down to about 134. It took me the full 8 months to lose those ten pounds, and most of it was the past few months. My problem is that I see other people's before and after pictures and they are getting way better results in less time it seems, doing the same things I'm doing, so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.

I opened up my diary, barring this weekend which was my daughter's birthday party I try to keep it around 1600-1800 calories per day. I exercise 6 days per week, an average week is this, although I do alternate JM videos, this is just one variation:

Monday: 1 hour spinning class
Tuesday: JM 30DS plus 20 minutes elliptical and 2 mile run
Wednesday: JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and JM Killer Buns OR Abs
Thursday: JM Yoga Meltdown plus 20 minutes elliptical and 2 mile run
Friday: 1 hour spinning class
Saturday: off
Sunday: JM Killer Buns and Thighs and JM Killer Abs

I feel like I work out enough and eat healthy, but I still have a belly and I also haven't really lost any inches since this summer.
The first picture is from April 1st, the second is from July 1st and the 3rd is from last week. I put them up to show that you can see a big difference from the 1st to the 2nd, but I see almost no difference between the 2nd and 3rd even though that's 5 months in between. I'm not looking to lose more weight, just shape up and get some nice abs, I can feel the muscle in there but there's a layer of mush over it that bothers me. And for the record, I have had a flat stomach before so I know it can be done, and my daughter is nine so I can't blame that, lol. And I'm 33 yo, 5'7".

Any ideas? Thanks and sorry this is so long winded!!!


Edit to add: I didn't get all three pictures in, you'll have to right click and open to see the last one...sorry!!!


  • mustdothis40
    mustdothis40 Posts: 45 Member
    I think you look fantastic! Congratulations!
  • jessicaw79
    jessicaw79 Posts: 26 Member
    Well thank you!! :smile: I think I just expected it to be better by now when I see other people getting six packs in less time, maybe it's not in my genes, haha.