Warrior Dash

How much does it cost and what are the obstacles to go through?


  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    When I did it in October, it cost...$70 I believe. The first part of the race was running for like a mile and a half over uneven terrain with mud pies and potholes. Then you jump into mud pits, one after the other. Then you have to run up a steep incline of a hill. Then more running, then you rope climb up a wall and over the other side...then more running.

    The obstacles are like, climbing up stuff, crawling under stuff (lots of barbed wire), and mud. Lots of mud. Oh, and jumping over fire.

    I'm not sure if the Warrior Dash is the same everywhere though, just that its like this in California.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Price usually varies between 50-80. Obstacle wise there is barbed wire that you crawl under(in the dirt). A few junk cars that you climb over. A wall or two you climb over. A tall cargo net you climb up and over. A hill or two to run up. Slide down a hill and into a mud pit which was about waist high. Not too bad...really fun. It's like 3 miles or so.
  • The Warrior Dash is great. I did one here in phoenix and it was a challenge, but really fun. The cost varies depending on how early you sign up. You can save a lot of money if you can sign up 3-6 months before the race. The warrior dash is designed so that almost everyone can complete all of the obstacles. It is a great race to get started and see if you enjoy Mud Runs. Some of my favorite obstacles were the cargo net climb, the wall climb with rope, and of course the mud pit. Go for it - you won't be disappointed. You can find more races similar to the warrior dash here http://activeraces.com