How to beat my sugar addiction. Help!



  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    I know it's in my genetics my addiction to sugar. My mom, sister, and I all hold weight in the same places and all are addicted to sugar horribly. I hide sugary/naughty things behind all the good stuff in my pantry. I never realized how much sugar is in EVERYTHING until I started tracking on MFP. Now I watch it ever more then any other macro because I know it's horrible.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Ok. So I am a lover of sugary foods. Weekends seems to be the worst time for me and I seem to binge on a tonne of sugary food and ruin a great week of healthy diet and exercise. I don't understand my mindset but I do believe that sugar is an addiction much like caffeine or nicotine and honestly, I need help in how to stop myself.

    I've tried drinking a lot of water because I thought I was confusing hunger with thirst, I've tried distracting myself but all in all it comes back into my mind instantly. I really have got into the habit of a weekend (especially a sunday evening) to satisfy my cravings..even when it's not in the house!!

    Please help me! Please tell me how you've all overcome your problems please. I am losing faith in myself.

    Sounds more like lack of self control/will power than sugar "addiction"
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I can't quite recall the title, but I just watched a documentary on Netflix this morning about sugar and how it affects your body. (Something about how diets are lies) Watching that alone made me reconsider the amount of sugar I am eating. As soon as I went to go eat something sugary, that documentary popped into my head and I couldn't eat it.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    the only way to break your sugar addiction is to go low carb. And LOW Glycemic Index!

    Depending on how addicted you (and the gut flora are) It will take 2 - 4 months of below 100g carbs a day to end it.

    Sometimes it takes longer to completely eliminate the gut flora's toxic biofeed back cravings.

    Best wishes. It can be done, I did it!

    Did not know that thanks
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I can't quite recall the title, but I just watched a documentary on Netflix this morning about sugar and how it affects your body. (Something about how diets are lies) Watching that alone made me reconsider the amount of sugar I am eating. As soon as I went to go eat something sugary, that documentary popped into my head and I couldn't eat it.

    hmmm know what I am watching tonight
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    ....your supposed to stop eating sugar? wtf! :grumble: :cry: :explode:
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    Even though I've lost 130 pounds, I still struggle with sweets. Recently (although this is very junior high like), I've started writing on my hand "worth it?" It makes me stop and think is what I'm eating worth the calories; or worth staying at the weight I am at; or worth, etc. So far, it has worked really well. It was just enough to make me pause, stop and think, before I eat. I still indulge sometimes because I am believer that you cannot completely deprive yourself. I try to limit and include it in my calorie count for the day. Hope that helps!

    I'm going to try this!!
  • senloe
    senloe Posts: 8 Member
    I've been going 'slow carb' but anything with simple/sugar carbs I eat in very small quantities and I measure it out very carefully (i.e. with a food scale). I don't feel well cutting them out all together but for example, having one 'sandwich' thin in the morning for my breakfast sandwich seems to be enough simple carbs for the day for me.

    I've been trying to eat more beans, fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Also taking several extra vitamins. I've found with the slow carbs that they keep me full longer and my sugar levels do not spike. One of my favorite things if I'm craving pasta now is spaghetti squash. The key with that is to make a very hardy sauce with it. That and eggplant lasanga (both no noodles) have seem to satisfy my simple carb cravings. I'm also a huge fan of chili.

    It takes time but I've cut back drastically the last month and feel so much better as a result. I was even at a holiday party and tried a bite of something with a lot of oil/flour and it made me nauseous!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I can only tell you what has worked for me...fruit, fruit, fruit...yes, still sugar, but of the complex variety. This has helped curb those cravings immensely and also have the added benefit of getting more fiber in my diet as well as lot of other nutrients. It's working for me. I do have the occasional treat, but not very often these days.
  • Adamanda5
    Adamanda5 Posts: 38 Member
    The second bite is always harder to resist than the first! When you are contemplating eating something with refined sugar, remind yourself that your will power is much stronger BEFORE you take a bite than it will be afterward. And then run away. ;)

    P.S. I watched the documentary on Netflix yesterday, and it is eye-opening. Highly recommend it!