
I finished week 1, day 1 today. Looking to see if anyone else started today.


  • Finished week 1, day 2.

    Anyone else on their first week of the C25K?
  • Wolverine13ft
    Wolverine13ft Posts: 19 Member
    week 5 day 2
  • Nikipowpez
    Nikipowpez Posts: 60 Member
    I just started. Yesterday was my week 1 day 1. Week 1 day 2 is in the morning. :)
  • rapat
    rapat Posts: 108 Member
    Just did week 5, day 1.
    I did make a change between weeks 3 and 4 -- Originally, weeks 1-3 I was trying to consistently go faster each workout as it was essentially interval training -- Then in week 4 (which had 3,5,3,5 min runs) I couldn't handle it so I slowed down and now think I'll just keep my pace the same for the remainder (5.5mph, 3% incline).

    I'm also thinking of maybe dropping day 3 from every week and just doing the week 1 or 2 program instead that day -- focusing on increasing speed.
    So 2 days of sustained medium intensity, 1 day of interval high/low intensity as I enjoy the intervals more and I think having both types of workouts would be a good thing for fat loss
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I'm doing week 7
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    i'm restarting on week 1, hoping to do day 2 tmrw (or today i guess, since it's after midnight)
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Week 5 day 2. I will have to repeat it tho. It was too intense. I might spend 2 weeks on week 5.
  • I just started today... Week 1 day 1... Is it best to run every other day with the couch25k?
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I have Week 2 Day 3 tomorrow.

    I really recommend doing this every other day with strength training on the off days. Personally, it helps my hips and calves rest in between torture :laugh:
  • kblpn
    kblpn Posts: 32
    I am on my first week as well, but I wanted to run 6 days a week so I do each day twice before moving on, and every day I go up in my run speed by .1. I am loving it so far. Today I will be doing week one day 2 for the second time. I started Monday.
  • sonamon
    sonamon Posts: 12 Member
    Week one, day two. So far so good :D Going to do a 5k foamfest in March. I have never been a runner but I am enjoying it so far!
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    I'm doing week 7

    Me too. It kinda feels strange to be able to run for 25 minutes straight now. Especially given the fact that week 1 was hard for me when I started. It really is a good program.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Doing week 5 for the second time (I repeat weeks).
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I just started today... Week 1 day 1... Is it best to run every other day with the couch25k?

    Yes - it really is best to have a non-running day in between C25K days, especially if you are completely new to running. I walk on my non-running days (some people swim, or bike, etc). Something that doesn't use the leg muscles in the same way as running. This will give your muscles some time to recover before the next run.

    I also take one day complete rest each week. I run my strongest on the day after that full-rest day.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I just started today... Week 1 day 1... Is it best to run every other day with the couch25k?
    Every other day or 3x/week, to give your body a rest between runs. I personally do other non-running exercises on my off days.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I just finished a modified week 1. I've been briskly walking 3-4 minutes instead of 90 seconds between jogging. I hope next week I'll be up to a regular week 1.
  • pandoraw
    pandoraw Posts: 143 Member
    I am doing week 1 day 2 in a few minutes. I hope it is easier than day 1 as it was very hard for me. I have never run in my life before so this should be interesting.
  • I finished week 2 day 3 today and felt good. Going to move onto week three. It feel good to be back.