3 day Raw Food Cleanse

Hi all. I have been feeling sickly lately and thinking a cleanse may help. I have read several options, but I think the 3 day raw food cleanse might be the best for me.

Has anyone completed this? Any suggestions? Warnings? Advice? Concerns?



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    What are you cleansing? Our bodies do a marvelous job of handling all the cleaning functions.
  • smcwilliams516
    smcwilliams516 Posts: 15 Member
    Been having some digestive issues as well as some skin issues, thinking a cleanse might help. I am trying to avoid the doctor, I know not the best way to go, but worth a try??
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think the best thing that helped my skin from a diet standpoint was getting my water in and eating from the super food list - salmon, tomatoes, spinach, berries, greek yogurt, one square of dark chocolate a day, avocado. Most of my protein is from eggs chicken, and fish .and high quality nuts like almonds, macadamias and cashews...dry roasted.

    Seriously avoiding Bread ,pasta, rice and white pototoes deep fried foods and sugary sweet desserts as well

    Everyone is different, and i find the more i work in my barre 3 and getting more walking seems to help as well.

    Keep doing !
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Cleanses have never been proven to do anything. If it ends up "helping" it will probably be more in your head than actual results...the old placebo effect. The best thing you can do for yourself is eat real whole foods- meat, nuts, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. If you are having digestive issues, you may want to make sure you get some good bacteria in there via live cultures in yogurt or kefir.
  • petraann
    petraann Posts: 20 Member
    I did a raw cleanse years ago. The one I did was...FRUITS and VEGGIES ONLY for the first two days, fruit/veggie juice the 3rd, water the 4th. Once I got to the third I could not even make it to the 4th. I was TIRED! Make sure you do not have to work or need brain power during that time. I did learn a lot during that though...how LITTLE breads and other complex carbohydrates I NEED in a day. But, like I said, by the end of the 3rd day my body had had enough of no real protein or complex carbs. Good luck with it!
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    Ive done 3 day raw cleanses and admittedly it is not the best cleanse to do. We tend to think that the more extreme departure we make from our regular diet, which of course must be the culprit, the better results we will see. You said that you are sick? but then mention skin issues, digestive issues....what kind of sick is it exactly?
    You may just want to do what others have said- drink TONS more water, get more rest, eat super foods, and i would add to that, go ahead and do a raw juice cleanse but only in the mornings. About half hour to an hour after you drink your raw juice, eat a good protein rich meal. One wek of just adding raw veggie juice to your morning routine will make you feel tons better, whatever the ailment is.

    good luck!
  • I haven't done a raw food cleanse, but I have done several juice cleanses.

    Blu Print cleanse is a good juice cleanse, as well as some others. Something else you may try to rid yourself from toxins is a colonic. Just my 2 cents!
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Reducing your diet to a few select foods while you're sick is probably a bad idea
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Reducing your diet to a few select foods while you're sick is probably a bad idea

  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Reducing your diet to a few select foods while you're sick is probably a bad idea

    Listen to the hottie!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I haven't done a raw food cleanse, but I have done several juice cleanses.

    Blu Print cleanse is a good juice cleanse, as well as some others. Something else you may try to rid yourself from toxins is a colonic. Just my 2 cents!

    I hate to sound rude but the misinformation on cleansing KILLS me...exactly what toxins do you think are leaving your body just because you drank juice for a couple of days? Does the body store up these toxins until one cleanses?

    Medically and scientifically, none of it makes a bit of sense.
  • hilltopr76
    hilltopr76 Posts: 2 Member
    I started the Quantum Cleanse December 1st and have had positive response from my body and emotions. It basically eliminates caffiene, alcohol, sugar, gluten, and all meat/dairy products. While it is not a 'raw' only or 'juice' only type of cleanse it does elimanate the poisons and hard to digest foods from your diet and allows your body's organs to recover from (in my case) over indulgence in the aforementioned foods, etc. The only negative I experienced was from my caffiene withdrawal (headache over about three day period). Anyway, it's recommended for 21 days and then to add back in low amounts any of the above that you desire. Good luck!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Your body has various organs specifically evolved to 'cleanse' you if you give them the right balance of ALL the nutrients they require. The human metabolism cannot tell the difference between a fast/ highly restrictive cleanse and gastroenteritis or a famine, these put the body into a state of stress. By all means spend three days eating nothing but food much as it comes off the plant or the animal - whole vegetables, fruit, oily fish, soaked seeds and so on. If you want to eliminate any specific food group like meat or grains or dairy just be sure you replace the missing nutrients - oily fish, nuts, seeds, green vegetables. The body needs complete protein daily for repair, replacement and regeneration of every cell in the body, it has no stores so will break down muscle if not supplied in the diet.

    Not sure what digestive issues you have but many cases of IBS are improved by eliminating specific trigger foods (keep your own detailed food diary or see charity or NHS website), eating plenty of long chain omega-3s (oily fish) and a freeze dried probiotic (beneficial bacteria) supplement. If you don't eat enough fibre or volume of solid food your gut will slow down, you will stop pooping, the food currently in your bowel will sit there for days with waste hormones and nasty chemicals being reabsorbed rather than 'toxins' being eliminated! Fruit and veg is mostly water so it's not enough bulk alone to stimulate the gut unless you massively overeat fruit sugar (laxative effect).

    Do be aware that excess sugars are highly inflammmatory, inflammation being implicated in the development of numerous health complaints, they also suppress healthy immune function. Hardly what you want to achieve during a 'healthy' cleanse.
  • smcwilliams516
    smcwilliams516 Posts: 15 Member
    Just to update...decided against a "cleanse". Did increase the water and clean eating. This has been a pretty consistent lifestyle for me for some time, so I don't expect to see much change in my digestive and skin issues, but we will see. Vacation coming up, so we will see if my conditions are more stress related than physical.

    Thanks for the information!!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Not sure what your skin issues are but mine improved within a couple of days of stopping using any sulphate surfactants - the foaming ingredient in most commercial shampoos, shower gels, hand washes, dish soaps etc. Sulphates are horrible ingredients, proven in studies to damage the skin's barrier function at concentrations as low as 1%. I now have no eczema/ contact dermatitis, my skin seems plumper and less flaky, face and scalp are less greasy, stronger nails.