eating calories burned???? really?!? im confused!

Ok, So I dont understand why I see some people eating back their calories... why would you spend time burning off calories only to eat them back!?

Also, Why is it that I see most everyone is eating well over 1200 calories? Did I miss something? Please help me understand... especially if it means quicker weightloss!


  • your body needs fuel, food is energy.... don't go for unhealthy calories, go for the smart foods that are high in protein to help rebuild those muscles. and drink lots of water...

    also, 1200 calories is how some people choose to get more instant results, but it's hard to maintain. If you're using it to just jump start a weight loss or lose a quick couple pounds then fine, but its just not a healthy way to keep the weight off.

    I eat right at my 1500 calories or more if I work out. If I try to skimp, thats when I make bad decisions on food choices and go over calories...
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Your net should be whatever it says, which is often 1200. I would be a raving famished lunatic if I only ate that much. I exercise so I can eat more and still lose weight.


  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    You eat back your exercise calories because you already have a deficit built into your calorie goal. If you don't eat back your calories, you are creating an even bigger deficit and sometimes too big of a deficit is unhealthy. You still need a healthy amount of calories for your body to function properly, and everyone's calorie goals vary depending on your height and weight (the taller/heavier you are, the more calories your body needs to function.) Under eating can cause you to lose weight but also have adverse side effects so it's best to eat within a safe calorie range and make sure your fueling your body properly.
  • 1200 calories I think is hard to stick to..Limitations ...Plus you burn calories you need to replace them...Its like gas in a car if you don't replace guess what it wont move
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Even Weight Watchers lets you eat your exercise back. It makes sense if you think about it. You have already set your calorie limit lower to lose weight, if you exercise you are taking it to the unhealthy range. Just saying.
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    I eat all of my calories back...almost always, and I've lost 11 pounds in 15 days. Exercising allows me to eat more than my daily allowance of 1600. Allows me to compensate for unexpected meals out or preemptively I can burn some off when I know I have a special occasion.
  • cajunchicla2
    cajunchicla2 Posts: 30 Member
    so, should I be eating 1200 cal if im not exercising and eating whatever i do burn in a day or should i up my cal to 1500 plus eat back my exercise cals? I just dont understand how I will lose this way... i guess in my mind if you eat you gain if you dont you lose lol I know i need to retrain my mind which is why im trying to figure all this out! thanks for your help!!!
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i keep my exercise calories as a back up...i struggle sometimes to get to 1200 calories..and i exercise every day...i know that if i want something i can eat it..but i dont generally eat back my exercise calories...its been working so far....making healthy choices is a huge factor..and drinking water!!
  • You can set you weight loss to 1.5 a week or even 1 lb(recommended by MFP) and your intake will change
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    I never eat back my exercise calories unless I'm really hungry. :) But since 1200 is so low, I wouldn't be afraid to do so.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    so, should I be eating 1200 cal if im not exercising and eating whatever i do burn in a day or should i up my cal to 1500 plus eat back my exercise cals? I just dont understand how I will lose this way... i guess in my mind if you eat you gain if you dont you lose lol I know i need to retrain my mind which is why im trying to figure all this out! thanks for your help!!!

    And THIS sums up our problem with yo-yo dieting in this country. If you eat MORE THAN YOUR BODY NORMALLY BURNS OFF DURING A DAY equals weight gain....over time. Your body still needs fuel to survive and to reduce the chances you have intense cravings, which will most likely make it harder to eat at a calorie deficit and lose weight and keep it off over the long haul.
  • I am not one for eating calories back, I work to hard to burn them off. 1400 cals a day seems to be working for me at the moment. I would say talk to your doc or a nutritionist and see what they say!
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    I've lost weight eating 2500+ calories in a day... as long as what you eat is less than you use, you will lose. Over time, losing weight it all comes down to this simple formula:

    Calories In - Calories Out = Change in weight

    Fitness is another story and pushing yourself requires paying more attention to the macro nutrients that you eat (the protein/fat/carb breakdown).

    Edited to add - there is no magic number, i.e. 1200, 1400, 1500, 3000... the Calories Out number will be different for everyone, depending on your BMR and your level of exercise in a day.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Exercising also increases metabolism.
  • es2189
    es2189 Posts: 142 Member
    I lost 22 pounds in 4 months, and am within a few pounds of my goal, by eating my base of 1330 calories (recommended by MFP based on my height, weight, activity level, and desire to lose 1 lb/wk), in addition to all of my exercise calories. MFP calculated that I was burning 1830 calories per day without exercise. Therefore, on a day that I didn't work out, I was eating at a 500 calorie deficit. On my cardio days, I was running for 45 minutes and burning 450 calories. If I hadn't eaten back those calories, I would've been at a 950 calorie deficit, which would've left me weak and hungry, and it would've been hard to maintain. I didn't need to lose any faster than that, and risk gaining weight back. Stick to 1 pound a week, which means a 500 calorie deficit plus exercise calories, and you'll do great.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    People eat because they like food.

    Weight loss isn't about eating 1200's only about eating less calories than you burn. MFP asks you questions and based on those answers gives you an allotted amount of calories per day. MFP already sets your deficit so if you exercise and create an even bigger deficit, it allows you to eat back those calories.

    Weight loss isn't just about eating less. It's eating less but not to the point where you're starving yourself. People gain back weight because they just eat less, but do it by marking some food as "good" food and "bad" food. They either give up on losing because they like pizza and cokes and hate to give it up, or they gain the weight back because they like pizza and coke, but never taught themselves moderation.

    If MFP set your calorie goal to 1200 and you think that's too low, then exercise more and eat more. OR set your goals to lose less per week.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I am not interested in losing any more weight, I am interested in maintaining (at the present). I am working out for fitness, endurance, and strength. I eat my calories back (mostly).
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Best thing is to test out different calorie intakes, adjusting slightly every few weeks, and finding out what you maintain on, then taking it from there. People often underestimate the intake they can lose on and shortchange themselves. If you can eat more and lose weight it makes sense to eat more and lose weight, rather than risk your body adjusting its metabolism to a lower intake.
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    With my weight and everything to lose 2 pounds per week the counter says to eat 1380 cal. But if I do a hard workout and burn 750 cal I need extra cal to keep my body going. Today I did a 750 cal workout and I ate 1800 cal. You dont want to starve yourself and feel weak after a good workout!!! I always eat something before and a little something after my workouts as well...
  • It is probably one of the worst myths of weight loss ever and promoted by companies/websites with advertising etc to keep people using their product. If you get your required nutrition without eating back exercise calories - you'll lose weight faster. It's basic science.