I Want to Try Running - Knee Says NO

Hello there

After reading quite a few threads and post about Couch to 5k, I wanted to take up running for the health benefit. I HATE running. However, that is not the problem. In the past, frequently and without warning, my left knee would give way whenever it felt like it when I ran. It hurts, bad, and I can barely walk without a limp for at least a week maybe two.

Like I said, I want to try running even though I hate it, but the fear of the painful giving way of my knee makes me not want to try. Is there anything that can be done if I want to take up running? Any good knee brace/support you recommend that may help?


  • rapat
    rapat Posts: 108 Member
    If your health insurance makes it affordable, I'd say go to a physical therapist and also see your doctor.
    I injured my knee hiking and for a couple years after whenever I tried to run my knee would stiffen up and bending would cause pain. So I avoided running, but then eventually seeing my doc, he pointed out that the muscle structure on the bad knee looked different than the one on the good knee (its still evident today), mentioned its likely a tear (of something, I forgot) and that my knee is rotating in a slightly different path / alignment than it should; but doesn't seem bad enough for surgery; so he referred me to a physical therapist. I saw them for maybe 4 months, basically building up my muscle again (a lot of knee exercises, cycling). Unfortunately I didn't keep up with the recommended home exercises, so its still not 100% but its better than it was before. Now I can run 2-3 days a week; if I try running more than I feel it -- it hasn't stiffened up on my in a long time, but I can tell its weaker and I if it starts feeling uncomfortable, then I take it easy for a few days

    That's a long story, but hopefully it'll give you some motivation to seek expert advice.