
aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
is there anyone not working out and losing weight just by watching what you eat?


  • I am not working out very much (maybe twice a week) and S L O W L Y am losing weight. My husband works out regularly and seems to be losing inches pretty quickly. I don't know if its a man v woman thing, but it is frustrating! I'm losing my mo-jo...
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    my first 10 lbs I didn't really exercise and stuck to 1200-1300 calories a day. It slowed coming off after those first 10.

    now I try to go to zumba 3x a week at least! I eat about half my exercise calories back and am losing more inches. Someone who weighs 140lbs with 30% bodyfat and someone who works out and weighs 140 with 22% bodyfat are going to look like completely different size-wise.

    Exercise helps the process!
  • mmccurrach
    mmccurrach Posts: 50 Member
    I've lost 13 lbs by just watching what I eat and no exercising but I have a lot to lose.
  • Anyone can loose weight without exercising it's all about portion controling and taking in fewer calories than you burn daily.

    I don't recommend weight loss without at least strength conditioning or you will have no ability to manage your weight, you'll physical look sick, you won't feel nearly as good as you could have otherwise, and you'll do devastating harm to your health and feeling of wellness as you get older.
  • Minerva
    Minerva Posts: 79 Member
    Before I hit menopause that's how I did lose weight- chasing after the kids, cooking, cleaning, shopping, all that was enough and I could just keep my calories to a dull roar and lose weight.

    Now, tho, Whoa- whole different ball game!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    im asking bc if you have read some of my previos posts i have a 5mth old and a2yrs old and well i don't really have the time to spend working out i could probably like walk 30 minutes 4x a week but small kids really takes up alot of time and i work full time/
  • I had an operation in early January on my ankle, so apart from swimming I can't excercise as much as I would like. The weight is still coming off at the moment (I have about 20lbs to loose), but I do know without excercising it will be much slower than I want. The only thing is that if you don't excercise you will miss out on the toning of you body!

    Just a little excercise can help even if it is a twice a week for half an hour!
  • im asking bc if you have read some of my previos posts i have a 5mth old and a2yrs old and well i don't really have the time to spend working out i could probably like walk 30 minutes 4x a week but small kids really takes up alot of time and i work full time/

    VERY valid logistical problem of time that a lot of people have. Check out ten minute trainer by team beachbody it's a brilliant solution. Everyone has ten minutes and these arent easy workouts by any means. I'm in superb shape and I build up a great sweat doing the ten minute trainer workouts
  • Don't forget that working out doesn't always have to mean 30 minutes on an elliptical or exercise bike. You can do squats as you are folding the laundry, or squats playing games with the little ones. I am constantly running up and down the stairs with laundry and that starts to add up. I have a friend that has three kids under three and she tries to do aerobics or intense exercise whenever she can get a 30 minute break and all the kids go down for a nap. Now since kids aren't always cooperative and they don't always go for the nap plan she also bought somehting called the bug that she puts on her arm and it tells her how many calories she burns during the day while she's chasing those kids around. She loves it and she found that her calorie burn was higher than she could imagine and it really boosted her morale seeing all those daily activities adding up!
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    I've lost about 26 pounds without much "formal" exercise, but I have alot to lose. I lost the first 20 pounds fairly quickly, but the last 6 pounds have came off very slowly. I'd love to have time to walk on a treadmill (I really love walking on a treadmill), but I am a full-time student and I work part-time. I can say that I do exercise--I walk all over campus, I walk around Walmart, and other normal daily activities.
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I love to workout, which requires me to eat more food, so my caloric intake can be higher and still lose weight which I like. I personally feel better/lose weight faster that way, otherwise I feel like my metabolism slows down and my hunger levels drop too much.
  • I love to workout, which requires me to eat more food, so my caloric intake can be higher and still lose weight which I like. I personally feel better/lose weight faster that way, otherwise I feel like my metabolism slows down and my hunger levels drop too much.

    One of my mottos Is I work out so I can eat ice cream..LoL
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