Struggling With Hypothyroidism!

iamalexa Posts: 53
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so I was recently put on medication for my thyroid and it's been hard to lose weight but I have managed around a pound a week. I work out like everyday and eat all good foods but for some reason this last week something went wack-o! I weigh myself every morning just to make sure nothing has changed. At first I noticed one morning I was like a pound heavier, but i was like "oh well prob. just water weight, itll be better tomorrow." Not the case. Wednesday is my offical weigh day, and I magically gained 10.5 pounds????? Can I just ask how one earth does this happen? At first I thought i was just stressed out about my auditions, but those have come and gone and my weight is still there!! Its not cool considering Im doing everything the same! I'm definately NOT giving up everything I have worked for, but does anyone have any suggestions? I have been reading some of foods that could interact with the medication but I'm not sure what all of it is true?
Please help!:)
Thanks in advance!


  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I'm not sure how long you've been on the meds, but it takes time for our bodies to adjust to anything new. You should note the gain and make a call to your doc tomorrow letting them know, they may need to regulate something. One thing I really want to stress to you is to not stress too much. Things will even out. Just remain consistent. A positive attitude will really long a long way, maybe try a higher intensity work out 2 or 3 days a week. Drink more water. It's possible you're retaining more fluids due to the meds. Well wishes to you on your weight loss journey. Let us know how things go :flowerforyou:

    It may help to step back from salty foods until you're body adjusts to the meds.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    A pound a week is awesome! Most people can't maintain that even without hypothyroidism. Did you weigh yourself several times? You didn't gain 10.5 lbs. That would be impossible. I have never had that much of a gain in a short period of time, but I have had about 4 lbs. It was just water/food weight from where I had a large salty meal. After a day 3 of the "gained" lbs. were gone and the other one was gone after a few days. Just hang in there and keep going the way you're going! :flowerforyou:
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed in 2006 and it took about two years before they had the correct dosage. I don't know where the weight gain came from though. I will say it can be difficult to lose weight with a thyroid condition and you have to try extra harder. Also just so you know the medicaiton you are on, which I am guessing is Levothyoxine, which is the generic to Synthroid can reacts differently to each person. I had to switch from Levothyroxine to Synthroid as my body wasn't reacting correctly to that medicaiton. Also it takes about 3 months before the medication will fully become effective. I honestly have never heard of the medication having reactions to food, which would cause any weight gain.
    I don't know how many calories you are consuming, but make sure you are eating enough. I started to gain some weight, because I wasn't eating enough and had to increase my calories.

    Good Luck!
  • A pound a week is awesome! Most people can't maintain that even without hypothyroidism. Did you weigh yourself several times? You didn't gain 10.5 lbs. That would be impossible. I have never had that much of a gain in a short period of time, but I have had about 4 lbs. It was just water/food weight from where I had a large salty meal. After a day 3 of the "gained" lbs. were gone and the other one was gone after a few days. Just hang in there and keep going the way you're going! :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I have somewhat of an obsession sometimes! :( It went down a couple pounds sense then but still almost half of what i lost is back on. I can only hope it would be a lot of water food weight, But Ive also been sick today and have gotten rid of most of my food so to speak! So it shouldnt still be up so high! GRR
  • I also have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed in 2006 and it took about two years before they had the correct dosage. I don't know where the weight gain came from though. I will say it can be difficult to lose weight with a thyroid condition and you have to try extra harder. Also just so you know the medicaiton you are on, which I am guessing is Levothyoxine, which is the generic to Synthroid can reacts differently to each person. I had to switch from Levothyroxine to Synthroid as my body wasn't reacting correctly to that medicaiton. Also it takes about 3 months before the medication will fully become effective. I honestly have never heard of the medication having reactions to food, which would cause any weight gain.
    I don't know how many calories you are consuming, but make sure you are eating enough. I started to gain some weight, because I wasn't eating enough and had to increase my calories.

    Good Luck!

    Yeah I have been on 75mg of Synthryoid for about a month so that could explain a lot. I was reading something about how spinach, brocolli, soy products and some other stuff can interact with the medicine? At first I was eating like 1200 or less but then i started eating half of my exercise calories so sometimes i get 1400 ish or more. Does it kind of depends on your body though depending how many calories to consume?
  • darece
    darece Posts: 34 Member
    When are you taking your pill? I was told to take it first thing in the AM. And wait an hour to eat. I try to get out of bed about 3am or so and take mine, then go back to bed. That way I can eat and not have to wait when I get up at 5. Make sure you are not take anyother meds within 4 hours of taking your thyroid pill. Just what I was told.
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    When I started on Synthroid I was at 50mcg and now I'm at 200mcg and I lost 40lbs pretty quickly after the medication was under control and I was also eating right and excercising. It doesn't sound like you are eating enough calories though, which would for sure cause weight gain. Try eating at least 1400 a day and then add in your exercise caloires and don't forget to eat those too. Again, I've never heard about anything with the food reacting to the medication.

    Keep up your good work!
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    When are you taking your pill? I was told to take it first thing in the AM. And wait an hour to eat. I try to get out of bed about 3am or so and take mine, then go back to bed. That way I can eat and not have to wait when I get up at 5. Make sure you are not take anyother meds within 4 hours of taking your thyroid pill. Just what I was told.

    Very good thing to point out is the morning thing and one hour before you eat. That is super important as this medication is sensitive and reacts to others along with food.
  • When are you taking your pill? I was told to take it first thing in the AM. And wait an hour to eat. I try to get out of bed about 3am or so and take mine, then go back to bed. That way I can eat and not have to wait when I get up at 5. Make sure you are not take anyother meds within 4 hours of taking your thyroid pill. Just what I was told.

    Yeah I take it at 630 and eat at 745 ...Do you think it matters if I take it at the EXACT same time each day. Cause some mornings I work out so i take it at like 545.
  • When I started on Synthroid I was at 50mcg and now I'm at 200mcg and I lost 40lbs pretty quickly after the medication was under control and I was also eating right and excercising. It doesn't sound like you are eating enough calories though, which would for sure cause weight gain. Try eating at least 1400 a day and then add in your exercise caloires and don't forget to eat those too. Again, I've never heard about anything with the food reacting to the medication.

    Keep up your good work!

    Okay, great. thanks for the advice. I'm going to see my doctor again this week but in the meantime it helps me prepare more questions I may have!
  • darece
    darece Posts: 34 Member
    I take it the same time every day. I have the alarm set to make sure I get up to do it. My mom does the same thing... It runs in the family.
  • I take it the same time every day. I have the alarm set to make sure I get up to do it. My mom does the same thing... It runs in the family.

    Oh maybe I oughta try that...

    Has anyone found stress to have an affect on anything?
  • Sooo I went to the doctor today. He looked over my food journal and said I was doing a good job with my calorie intake and i should keep losing at this rate. Also he asked about my menstrual cycle and thinks that all of my 10 pounds is retained water weight. Isn't that an awful lot of water weight!? That's all he had to say. I was kinda hoping for a "your doing __ this wrong" so i could fix it but guess not.
    I also asked what my thyroid number was at. Mine is at 1.5 right now. He said normal is between .25 and .8. BUT when I asked if we could up my medicine then, he said no!! Wouldn't this help me!? He doesn't want me going the other direction to hyperthyroidism or whatever...grrrrr I wish this whole ten pounds was casued by me physically through lack of exercise or eating wrong so that I Have more control over it.

    Any other suggestions?
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