Lifting routine for a lunch hour

Based on my work/life schedule the only time I have to workout is during my lunch hour. I'm doing the c25k program three day a week and would like a full body workout for the three other days. Anyone doing any full body workouts that last roughly an hour?

Thanks in advance.



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Based on my work/life schedule the only time I have to workout is during my lunch hour. I'm doing the c25k program three day a week and would like a full body workout for the three other days. Anyone doing any full body workouts that last roughly an hour?

    Thanks in advance.


    What's an ideal workout for you now and how long does it take?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Based on my work/life schedule the only time I have to workout is during my lunch hour. I'm doing the c25k program three day a week and would like a full body workout for the three other days. Anyone doing any full body workouts that last roughly an hour?

    Thanks in advance.

    What equipment do you have access to? Any specific goals?

    Sounds like a 5x5 program would fit the bill nicely.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Not knowing what kind of equipment you have, this is what I do at the small gym on our company's campus:

    Full Body Strength Training Circuit Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
    (FYI - I don't do ALL of these exercises every time. I pick one exercise for each body part, and I do a different exercise every work-out.)

    Legs - squats, lunges (both with a weighted barbell or dumbbells), goblet squats, dead lifts (8-10 reps)
    Back - bent over rows, assisted pull-ups, inverted rows (8-10 reps)
    Chest - push-ups, barbell bench press, dumbbell chest press (8-10 reps)
    Shoulders - seated/standing dumbbell press, lateral raise, front raise (8-10 reps)
    Biceps - dumbbell curls, barbell curl (8-10 reps)
    Triceps - cable pull-downs, skull crushers, overhead presses (not sure if that's the correct terminology) (8-10 reps)
    Abs - planks, various crunches, lying knee-raises (30 second holds for planks, 15-20 reps for crunches)
    Repeat 2X

    I can normally get through this work-out in about 25 minutes, plus time to stretch.
  • MattN1972
    Thanks again. I should have been a little more specific. I work out at a fully equipped gym near my work so any routine should be ok.

    My main goal is just a full body workout to minimize muscle loss while in weightloss mode.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Starting Strength takes about 30 minutes the first time you do it.
    Eventually though, it may run over an hour depending on rest needs.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Take a look at Starting Strength, possible to do the lifts in about 35 minutes without much hassle, and as they are big compound lifts they'll work the entire body. No point doing a hundred isolation exercises when you don't have time for them.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i work out on my lunch hr as well...i only work out for 30 mins though (gotta drive to and from and get dressed) but i do :

    30 min2-3 week
    2/15/15 chest press with single 15lb weights in each hand
    2/15/15 open fly
    3/15/15 single leg squats
    2/15 "butt machine" im sure it has a name but idk what it is...
    3/20/65 pulldown machine for my back (my bak is looking better)
    2/15 at pin number 5 on the angled sit up bench

    and i do cardio for 30 mins 2 a week. on sundays when i go for 1.5 hr i can do my weights and cardio and throw in some different exercises. stressful but i wouldnt otherwise get it done.