Hello All!

My name is Emilie! I work full time (at a desk) and I am a full time college student (at a desk), I am a single mother of a five year old little girl. I currently weigh 178, and am hoping to get down to about 130 (my pre-pregnancy weight). This is my first day with fitness pal and so far I love it!!!
I welcome ALLLLL advice from anyone!


  • tnewcom
    welcome Emilee..i have only been on here a week and I have lost 3.4 lbs! It is a great site! You will love it!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    welcome to this wonderful site!!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Welcome!!!! Some bits of wisdom from others on this sight that have seemed to help me.....

    1. Break down your total weight loss goal into mini goals - In my case....100 Pounds to lose is easier to look at 20 pounds at a time rather than the whole 100 pounds
    2. Plan something special for when you reach your goal to give yu something to look forward to.
    3. Log everything that goes into your mouth on your food diary. Even pickles that are only 5 calories add up if you have 10 of them.
    4. Try to get some kind of exercise everyday. Even if it is only a ten minute walk. When you start the habit then it becomes second nature.
    5. If you haven't done it yet. Add some freinds from the people on this sight. It helps to see others success - or - if need be....get support from them. (You are welcome to add me if you would like.)
    6. If you have a bad day don't beat yourself up over it. Figure out what threw you off, try not to do it again, and then brush it off - tomorrow is always a new day. And if you screw up at breaksfast don't use it as an excuse to gorge the rest of the day....try to get back on track for lunch.