Seriously unmotivated

Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
I'm so annopyed at myself about 3 months ago Iw as soo motivated, I've put on so much weight in the last three month and im so upset but I cant seem to do anything about it .... Anyone wanna kick my *kitten* in to gear?


  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Only you can find the motivation. Either you want to change your life or you don't. Either you enjoy being overweight or you don't. Either you want to be the type of person that sits and whines about being overweight saying you can't do anything about it or you're the type that will do something about it. It's up to you. How do you want your life to be?
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    When you have really had it you will be the only motivation you need love.
  • dlg1467
    dlg1467 Posts: 68 Member
    Pick one thing to do today - maybe get on your treadmill, do a set of free weights, drink 8 glasses of water.
    just pick one small little thing to do better today and maybe it won't seem like such a big mountain to climb. just take one baby step today and you'll feel better again and motivated.
  • We've all been there- losing the motivation that made us start living better . But, until you get to the point where you are like "THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!" you won't get your motivation back. The first couple days are hard- keep super busy and after a couple days of eating right, you'll start feeling empowered! Good luck :)
  • i can totally relate to her i am having the same problem i have only gained three pounds but i know i need to get back on the band wagon..i do have anxiety but for some reason i feel myself feeling really ugly and fat right now i grab things i know that are NOT good for me and with diabetes that should be even more motivation...i need some encouragement as well im here for anyone who needs support cause i know i do...oh and thanks for letting me vent lol...:blushing:
  • hang in there hun...alot of people say its up to you and that is true but sometimes you just need someone to say hey you can do here it goes YOU CAN DO IT ONE DAY AT TIME....that was then this is a new baby steps..dont kick self everyone makes mistakes god know i have one is perfect and were all beautiful so gosh i think i just motivated myself lol i have been going through the same thing and i have gained a few pounds and i keep oh man here we go...but i feel better just saying it out loud i can it that was then this is now and shoot at my age i dont have a minute to lose lol...take care and dont fret just remember how far youve come...ttyl
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Only you can motivate yourself! Think of how your feeling now..And think of how good it feels to be fit..write down some goals and look in the mirror and tell yourself-You are going to make better choices for you!
    Be strong and move forward.Good luck:-)
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