large calfs, help please



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Your calves just maybe large genetically. Even when I was quite thin my calf were large in comparison to the rest of my leg. It isn't fat so I am thinking it could be large muscle mass. Anyone else think this could be the problem?
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    Overall fat reduction is the way to go. Most women don't have a lot of calf muscle naturally, so it is most likely the amount of fat that is making you unhappy. Some people think that running burns muscle off your legs, so give that a go. It won't hurt, running darn sure will help you burn fat :)

    Not if you have Asian genes. It's common for women from Asia to have bulky calves. Some Asian women hate them so much they undergo really dangerous operations to cut out the muscles/nerves in the calf muscles.

    To the OP: If your calves are mostly muscle don't expect them to shrink much. If there's some fat there, they might slim down a bit.
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    Large calves bother ME because I spent freaking money on some cool boots on ebay that I can't return. Dang muscles - No, I love my muscles.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    lose more weight.

    I would actually be interested in learning any specific training that could help with reducing some calf size!

    He's 100% right and NOT a douche.

    Don't shoot the messenger.
    To shrink your calves, lose fat. And there's nothing you can do to make your body take fat from a particular area, it will come off where it wants to.
    So basically:

    Lose weight.


    You can't spot reduce.

    It's the truth. Deal with it and stop namecalling if someone gives you an answer you don't WANT to hear even when it's 100% true.
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    lose more weight.

    I would actually be interested in learning any specific training that could help with reducing some calf size!

    He's 100% right and NOT a douche.

    Don't shoot the messenger.
    To shrink your calves, lose fat. And there's nothing you can do to make your body take fat from a particular area, it will come off where it wants to.
    So basically:

    Lose weight.


    You can't spot reduce.

    It's the truth. Deal with it and stop namecalling if someone gives you an answer you don't WANT to hear even when it's 100% true.

    FYI - The OP didn't do any namecalling.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    lose more weight.

    I would actually be interested in learning any specific training that could help with reducing some calf size!

    He's 100% right and NOT a douche.

    I have to agree. He gives good advice, and he's correct. There is NO specific training to spot-reduce fat from any particular area. It can't be done. Sorry. :ohwell:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    lose more weight.

    I would actually be interested in learning any specific training that could help with reducing some calf size!

    He's 100% right and NOT a douche.

    Don't shoot the messenger.
    To shrink your calves, lose fat. And there's nothing you can do to make your body take fat from a particular area, it will come off where it wants to.
    So basically:

    Lose weight.


    You can't spot reduce.

    It's the truth. Deal with it and stop namecalling if someone gives you an answer you don't WANT to hear even when it's 100% true.

    FYI - The OP didn't do any namecalling.

    True. It was not the OP. It was Capt_Chev.
  • Liadora11
    lose more weight.

    I would actually be interested in learning any specific training that could help with reducing some calf size!

    He's 100% right and NOT a douche.

    Don't shoot the messenger.
    To shrink your calves, lose fat. And there's nothing you can do to make your body take fat from a particular area, it will come off where it wants to.
    So basically:

    Lose weight.


    You can't spot reduce.

    It's the truth. Deal with it and stop namecalling if someone gives you an answer you don't WANT to hear even when it's 100% true.

    FYI - The OP didn't do any namecalling.

    Generally I don't get involved in spats but I would have thought that we are all on these forums to support and encourage each other. There is always a nice way to say something and it doesn't hurt to use freindly language whilst still being truthful, just my opinion. :)

    I have big muscly calves and for the longest time I thought it looked so unfeminine, but now I love them because they look so obviously well trained when compared to my crepe paper tummy :D If they don't dissapear once you have reached your goals then learn to love them :)
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    lose more weight.

    I would actually be interested in learning any specific training that could help with reducing some calf size!

    Hahah... so because he actually told the truth, that makes him a douche?
    There's no specific training that could help spot reduce anything. Other than surgery.
  • sapf
    sapf Posts: 146 Member
    If it is fat then just keep losing and they will get smaller. If it is muscle, use a wheelchair until they atrophy enough.

    LOL :-) This is how I feel. Years of sports as a kid = even when I weigh less than 130lbs I have 15'' or more calves. Some people are just cursed with the huge calves.

    I wish I were cursed. Right now my flexed calves and flexed arms are about the same size. In a year my arms will probably be bigger than calves.

    :-) At least you can wear tall boots I bet! I saw some crazy MTV show about a guy who got calf implants several years back.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    If it is fat then just keep losing and they will get smaller. If it is muscle, use a wheelchair until they atrophy enough.

    sorry but this was funny! I too have big calfs...even when I was at a healthy weight.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    lose more weight.

    I would actually be interested in learning any specific training that could help with reducing some calf size!

    Did you really just call him a douche for giving honest and accurate advice? That is sad. There isn't any training you can do to reduce calf size. All you can do is lose fat. Or atrophy via wheelchair like someone already mentioned. Or have surgery to remove muscles.

    In other words, "lose more weight" is the only realistic answer.

    Edit: Whoops, didn't realize there was a page 2.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I have tiny calves, but big thighs and do so even when i'm underweight. I don't think there is anything you can really do about it. Just embrace it.
  • wigglypeaches
    wigglypeaches Posts: 146 Member
    If it is fat then just keep losing and they will get smaller. If it is muscle, use a wheelchair until they atrophy enough.

    LOL :-) This is how I feel. Years of sports as a kid = even when I weigh less than 130lbs I have 15'' or more calves. Some people are just cursed with the huge calves.

    Cursed? I would happily kill for nice, round calves. Mine look thin and ridiculous under my quads.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    If it is fat then just keep losing and they will get smaller. If it is muscle, use a wheelchair until they atrophy enough.

    LOL :-) This is how I feel. Years of sports as a kid = even when I weigh less than 130lbs I have 15'' or more calves. Some people are just cursed with the huge calves.

    I wish I were cursed. Right now my flexed calves and flexed arms are about the same size. In a year my arms will probably be bigger than calves.

    :-) At least you can wear tall boots I bet! I saw some crazy MTV show about a guy who got calf implants several years back.

    yeah i'm a dude and do not wear high boots
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    My family has always told me I have legs like a football player and I am a girl. There is some fat around them but as I have lost weight the muscles are becoming more defined. I am proud of them. I have people ask me what exercises I do to get muscles like that and I say "Walk".
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 5' 3" and I have large calves, too :) They have always been that way and also have never been able to zip up knee boots!

    Reducing your body fat % (losing weight) will reduce your inches overall and likely reduce the size of your calves. I have reduced by body fat % by 2.5% and defintely notice a difference in my calves in how they fit in skinny jeans! I will always have larger than "normal" calves but hopefully if we reduce the layer of fat over the muscle they will look better!
