What can I do when stressed instead of eat. Help!!!

Hi I am new to myfitness pal and have been logging in for almost 1 week now. What I have noticed is I use food to relieve stress. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Read a book, take a walk, take a bath, try aroma therapy. Most of these things can be combined.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    Exercise!!! Exercise reduces stress, gets the endorphins flowing, AND gives you more energy! For me, my stress reducing exercise of choice is running. The more stressed or irritated I am the faster I run!
  • Ilovenikes23
    Direct your energy somewhere else.
  • mari121076
    mari121076 Posts: 2 Member
    eat but chose things with low calories....stay in your range eat protein veggies :) i know easy to say i hate veggies so i look for different things
  • pgmeyers
    Evaluate what good foods (nuts are good as they satiate your appetite) can help curb some of the craving and have them handy.

    On another note, if you are craving a particular food, tell yourself that you'll make it through today and if you are stressed again tomorrow, you'll let yourself have it then. NOTE: Don't have it the next day, just keep telling yourself that.

    Most people are stressed at work and can't get some exercise in real quick although you could take a little walk, maybe even walk up a few flights of steps.
  • susiesmileygirl
    susiesmileygirl Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for.all the suggestions. A few ideas I never thought about.