NC People

Hi everybody! My name is chirstopher and I am looking for some friends to support and help support me in my weight loss goals.

I am a single father, fresh out of divorce, (happily) looking to make new friends and expand my network. Like so many single parents, I am so busy working and parenting, (not to mention being a single home owner) that I just can't seem to meet people. I am working hard to rebuild my self confidence, and self image in the wake of changes that life has presented me, but I am determined to rise above and come out stronger than before - this is just how I approach life.

If anybody can relate to this and would like to be "friends" please let me know. I am open to male friends but would enjoy having some female support as well - obvioulsy this is an area that I could use some positive feedback. ;-)

thank you for reading and I hope to meet some of you here.
