Anyone trying to GAIN weight?



  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Roasted veggies with lots of olive oil black pepper and garlic fresh sliced tomatoes with mozzarella fresh basil and extra virgin olive oil, gluten free pasta with pesto and pine nuts, lots of dried fruit and nuts for snacks and tonnes of avocado. Don't listen to the girl who says not to eat oils, certain oils like olive are full of good fats (it's saturated fat that's bad) and help to lower cholesterol but will bump your cals without harming your health as another poster mentioned just cooking your food with extra olive oil and using oil as a dressing will bump your cals without you having to increase your portions. Good luck. Ooh and dress oriental dishes with toasted sesame oil it's lovely xxx
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Grab a spoon and a jar of natural peanut butter. Insert spoon into jar. Insert spoon into mouth. Repeat.

    Say that again, slowly this time...
    i love it when you talk dirty

    Oh, you guys....

    say "insert" and "mouth" in the same sentence and you get all moist :laugh: :wink:
  • kcalron
    kcalron Posts: 2 Member
    Thank so much you guys. For a while I was drinking 1-2L of chocolate milk. I think I might go back to doing that. I do love peanut butter so I might just snack on that all day too!