'Cheat' Days, Schmeat Days

I keep seeing all these people getting down on themselves for having a 'cheat' day. Why?! This site isn't 'My Diet Pal'; for me this is a lifestyle change and I'm planning on eating this way and making changes to my health for the rest of my life. Even when I'm at a healthy weight and fitness I plan on staying on here for the community and to help me maintain my weight. I'm sure I'm not the only one who views MFP this way.

We are all eating under the amount of calories we burn a day; that is generally how we lose weight. So, why feel bad if you are over your calories? Most likely, you are still eating less then you've burned, and if you don't have the odd day of eating what you want regardless of the calories then you'll get fed up and give up.

And that is exactly why I don't see them as 'Cheat' days, it's why I see them as a normal day. As long as I didn't eat a ridiculous amount which I KNOW I didn't burn that day i.e 4000 calories or something ridiculous, then I don't feel bad about it. I know I may get slated for this, but at the end of the day I'm doing this for the rest of my life. If I want to eat unhealthily once in a while, why not? I'm still eating good the rest of the year, after all.

Don't get down on yourselves!