
Do you think it's a good way to exercise? I scored a free one from my unlce and have been using it. It has different levels of resistance. I can't afford a gym (and I also feel I'm too fat to go to a gym haha) I use to go for walks (about 10 000 steps a day) but I have been a bit of a shut in lately. When I used to go for walks, people would drive by and call out names etc. I think I've been called every name in the book!

So I am now scared of going for walks outside and thought the exercycle would be a good idea. I have been doing about 2 hours on it throughout the day on the highest medium setting although I tire out pretty quick so it is quite patchy the times I'm on it.

Do people actually get results on an exercycle alone? I was kinda inspired by one of Stephen Kings short stories about reults haha.



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your diet will play most of the role in weight loss. Exercise is great to improve fitness but you can't out exercise a bad diet.
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    Do you mean the story where they guy had a stationary bike in his basement and he became so obsessed and drew a little road on the wall, invented little work men in his head who told him they were his body and they were worn out, so he dismantled it? That one put me off it! I think that was in the same book with the compulsive runner who ran to escape the death of her baby (I wonder if he has some experience with unhealthy relationships with exercise?) but running saved her from a crazy lunatic guy. ANYWAY... to the point. I think initially anything that gets you moving is great, if you think it will increase your activity level go for it! Just don't draw a road on the wall and go nuts like the guy in the book!

    On another note, don't pay any attention to people who shout things, unfortunately there are many simple beings in the world. My fitness level is very good apparently (I don't think you ever think "woohoo, I've arrived! I'm fit!"), I cycle most places as I don't drive and I like to cycle (personally find it easier on a real bike because I'm going sonewhere and it doesn't feel like work) do I still get shouted at? You bet! Yesterday I got beeped so I figured I would pull over and check my bike incase I had a flat/lights falling off etc, nothing (missed yoga because of it , grr). Today a van passed within inches of me and some bright spark stuck his head out of the window and shouted something illegible, but I'm pretty sure it was just general abuse... how to cause an accident.
    There will always be people who are critical, or judgemental, in anything you do I guess. I just let it pass me by, they probably have their own issues or insecurities (or in the case of the van-man, brain damage) if what I'm doing helps me with my goals that's what matters, screw them.
    So yeah, if you think the bike will make you move more, do it! Personally I don't find I stick to exercise for exercise sake if you get me, but like you I was very conscious and didn't dare to try out the things I really wanted to do. Until one day I just bit the bullet and started martial arts, I just went, still don't know how I dared. Martial artists are the least judgemental of people and it gave me the confidence to just throw myself into other things because the world didn't end the first time, and well martial arts kinda does that. Now I'm all for do one thing each day that scares the bejoobas outta you, sometimes it's horrible at first, but it gets easier. It it goes well it builds confidence, if it goes bad it builds character! What I mean is, if there's something that you REALLY want to do, just do it, don't wait to join the gym or a class or something until you've lost x amount of weight for example if you can help it, sometimes people create more barriers once they've broken down the first and it never happens at all.
    Tell me to shut up if you like, but just my 2pennies :D
    Don't let morons hold you back.
    a fellow Stephen King fan ;)
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    Your diet will play most of the role in weight loss. Exercise is great to improve fitness but you can't out exercise a bad diet.
    True, but there are the mental and physical health benefits. Plus alot of people find more motivation to maintain a decent diet once they start to exercise.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    Im sorry people are so mean...dont let that discourage you...dont let people decide your feelings, or day, or life, the final result is up to you :) and i think the exercycle is a great great way to get in shape. its really easy on your joints and body as well. just hop on and maybe turn on a movie youve been wanting to see and just ride like hell! you can do it.
  • lpkd
    lpkd Posts: 5
    Haha. Yes smurfette! That is the one. I have wanted to do martial arts for a long time. My mum says there is a nice guy at where she works. She said about my size etc and he said that it doesn't matter my size. So maybe I might enquire about it again.

    I know I shouldn't carer about what others think or say about me. I think I'm just so sensitive, spending the last two years in and out of hospital (teenage years were HARD!)

    I like using the excercylce. I can watch tv at the same time lol. For the last few nights I have been feeling brave and have gone for a 30min walk around the park at a moderate pace with my iPod on full blast. I think I'll keep up what I'm doing. I'll get there soon enough.

    I know my diet will play the biggest part in my weight loss, especially portion sizes.

    Thanks guys!
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    Haha. Yes smurfette! That is the one. I have wanted to do martial arts for a long time. My mum says there is a nice guy at where she works. She said about my size etc and he said that it doesn't matter my size. So maybe I might enquire about it again.

    I know I shouldn't carer about what others think or say about me. I think I'm just so sensitive, spending the last two years in and out of hospital (teenage years were HARD!)

    I like using the excercylce. I can watch tv at the same time lol. For the last few nights I have been feeling brave and have gone for a 30min walk around the park at a moderate pace with my iPod on full blast. I think I'll keep up what I'm doing. I'll get there soon enough.

    I know my diet will play the biggest part in my weight loss, especially portion sizes.

    Thanks guys!

    Nope seriously doesn't matter. I know an instructor who adapted training for people in wheelchairs and all sorts of disabilities. I think we are all a bit mad too, alot of people come to martial arts with low self esteem or mental health issues, been bullied. One instructor said to me that there wasn't a person in the dojang who didn't have a story. People of all shapes and sizes come through the door and that's the beauty of it, I love training with bigger people, especially in self defense drills, I love sparring with small people because I'm short and tall people have said they like sparring with me because I" can squeeze in all the gaps" haha.
    A good instructor will always taylor training so that absolutely anyone can take part and benefit from it.
    I you could do everything perfectly the first day you walk in the dojang, what's the point in training? Incidentally, you'll never do anything perfectly... ever. It just goes on and on. That's why I love it I guess, always a new challenge.
    Not that I'm biased, DOOOO IIIT haha