Help! Any advice on Olympic Lifting?

Hello all, so just recently ive started getting into Olympic Weightlifting and its something I want to persue. I took a class last year learning form but did not have as much practice as I would of liked so for now I'm just practicing my form for the overhead squat, clean & jerk, and snatch with light weight.

My question is this

at what point / time would you say I could start increasing weight and start lifting for strength gains vs form practice?


  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Whenever you feel your form is good enough to handle more weight
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Honestly I would almost get a broom stick and do it with no weight. Stack some books or something on the floor so it's about the same height that you would clean or snatch it from the floor and do it from there. Additionally, try breaking down the movements. For instance like with the clean you can pull it from the floor and into a jump but don't complete the clean and just practice from the floor to the jump. Once your comfortable then do the full clean. Stuff like that.

    Also, things like High Power Pulls are a good way to help build strength for the Power Clean or even the Power Snatch because it's basically the full movement with out the Clean/Snatch.

    You kind of have to judge for yourself with Oly lifts because they are just that technical. Once your comfortable with form then just rack something that is light for you, start with bar and just focus on generating power while maintaining form.