Lost 40 lbs... need some motivation anyway!

I started eating healthy and exercising mid August, and by Thanksgiving, I had lost 40 lbs. I knew ahead of time that once Thanksgiving had come, I had a hard road ahead... not only did I have the temptation of holiday food to deal with, but my wife and I moved the week after Thanksgiving. Additionally, these last two days, we had the LARGEST event of the year at the church where I'm on staff. So basically from Thanksgiving until last night, life has been chaotic and I have not exercised or eaten right. Now that that event is over, I'm ready to get back on track. I know I have gained back at least 10 lbs these last 3 weeks, maybe more, but I'm not sure because the battery died in our digital scale! I know, it sounds like a perfect storm. I am going to walmart in a few minutes to buy a new scale, and to see what the damage is. How am I going to get back into my routine of eating healthy and exercising everyday?!? Its going to be as tough as it was to get started the first time. I'd like to start back tomorrow. I was up to about 2 miles running, but now I bet I'll struggle to run half a mile!


  • USMC1968
    USMC1968 Posts: 62 Member
    Very simple... just do it... you know you can... you did it before...
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    This is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change. Eat clean, avoid sodas like they are poison, Get plenty of protein. Drink lots of water. Get moving. We are all struggling with the holidays.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am going to walmart in a few minutes to buy a new scale, and to see what the damage is.

    That was your second step, your first was logging on to MFP. You are already taking steps toward your weight loss. One decision, one difference, bring you a little closer toward achieving your goal.