Day 1- excited and hopeful

This is day 1 of my 32 lbs weight loss journey. I took some vacation time to get ready for this, cleaned the house from top to bottom and threw everything in the kitchen away that isn't considered a staple and started fresh ($480.00 at the grocery store later) :) My husband is out of town for two weeks starting today. My hope & plan is that either some lbs, inches or bloat will be reduced enough for him to notice when he returns. Not because I need his approval but because I'll need the fresh set of eyes to validate my efforts of the first 14 days.

The last two years has been the first time I've ever been unhappy with my weight. Talking about it over dinner as I make excuses about my "baby weight” is no longer working for me nor is ducking or all together flaking on my friends and social events. Acquaintances & friends say "oh Amy you're not fat" but that's because they don't see me. If you do happen to catch me at Target (since that is about as OUT as I get these days) I will be in some Adidas warm ups with a zip up or maybe a pair of mid rise jeans with a zip up and when I see you coming I have sucked it in and stopped breathing, lol!! This is why if you do happen to corner me into a quick chat I’m practically running away as I talk to you. I can't deal with being chubby and feeling like this and I can't face people that I know. Where I live, my peers are ruthless, misery looooves the hell out of company, it's in the water. :)

But no mas`! I decided I must fit into all of my $150.00 low rise jeans and I must venture back into the public eye and I must get into a good mood after two years of grouchland & above all I must feel better. I posted a link to my page on Facebook, which in all honesty is my version of standing up in my first AA meeting and saying I have a problem. Because I have officially opened myself up to everything I have been avoiding.

Today I ate properly and tomorrow I begin the exercise. Take a look at my profile to get a little info about ME.

Good luck to all!! :happy: