weights for weight loss?

When I go to the gym I start out on the elliptical (pretty intense) and do that for 30-60 mins then I go and do some weight machines then I go back to the elliptical for a slightly less intense 15-30 mins

I dont really know what weight stuff I should be doing though...I do a lot of ab stuff, but as far as arms and legs what is the best to kinda shape up my arms and legs without making them huge?!


  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    1. Huge is a relative term and most women don't get huge without serious work and diet.

    As for arms and leg strength training there are many books that can provide routines that can give you strength and definition. Just be sure to balance chest and back, biceps and triceps, quads and hamstring/glutes/calves. Some of the most helpful for legs are squats and lunges. Both can be done without equipment until you need added weight to increase the intensity. Push-ups work many muscles and the core. There a tons of videos on You Tube showing proper form for everything.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    All I did for my weight loss was lift and I didn't get...

    Seriously, weights help maintain LBM, and you'll thank yourself for doing them when you start losing significant weight or get close to your goal.
  • mommycordillia