Will I Lose Any weight? Help!

Hi, My Name is Chris, I just join the Myfitnesspal.com and From what I read at the end of my daily food entree it says I sould weight 325.6 lbs in 5 weeks. well I weight 350lbs right now I am eating about 1,600 - 1,800 calories aday, my profile says I should be eating 3,060 after my calorie defive of 500 and I am walking 40mins (2 Miles) 5 days a week, and I am weight lifting 10mins 3 days a week, Playing guitar for 25mins 7 day w aeek. it says I am burning 514 calories a day.

So with all of this info does this program really work? and will I lose weight by doing what I am doing? I have cut my food intake in half, and cut my calories way down, and started walking 2 miles. and doing weight lifting. any help will be glad.

Thanks chris


  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey Chris, congratulations on joining! Yes, if you stay calorie deficient, you will lose weight. Be mindfull to watch what kind of calories you are eating-- lean meats, veggies and fruits. Pay close attention to your macros: protein, fats, and carbs.

    Lifting a little more weights will burn lots of calories long after you're done too.

    Good luck!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Congrats and welcome - Yep, you will lose weight, as baoneill29 indicates it is not just fueling your body with fewer calories, you also have to monitor what kind of calories you are consuming. just stick with it!
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    And DO NOT pay any attention to the thing on the bottom that says you will weigh XXX amount in 5 weeks.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wake up every morning. Stick to your goals for today. Don't think about yesterday, or tomorrow. Slow and steady. Go to bed. Wake up the next day and repeat.

    1 to 2 pounds a week.
  • Mteach1
    Don't cut your calories by too much or make too much of a change at first. You want to do it in a way that you can stick with over time. Just walking alone will help with your weight lost, and trying to eat healthy will make you feel better. Make little changes each week, like maybe cutting down to diet pop one week and then later getting rid of pop altogether. I have found that if I try to cut out everything and exercise a ton right away, I will tend to give up. Good luck! You can do it!
  • bootygone
    Conrats on making the change... Ive been doing this for nearly 100 days now & have lost 15kg (34lb), It does work, the 1st few weeks are tricky & a little difficult to get your head around, but like everyone has said, watch your macros too...
    GOOD LUCK :smile: :smile:
  • scorpion8319
    Thanks for all the replys, Thats just it, I dont know what calories to eat, I use to eat a big mac and large fries and a coke when I went to mcdonalds, now when I only get a mcdouble and no fires and water, I gave up all sodas and I also eat more salads than I use to, plus I am doing walking I never did walking before,

    I want to lose weight as I want to look good and be in great health.

  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Thanks for all the replys, Thats just it, I dont know what calories to eat, I use to eat a big mac and large fries and a coke when I went to mcdonalds, now when I only get a mcdouble and no fires and water, I gave up all sodas and I also eat more salads than I use to, plus I am doing walking I never did walking before,

    You're getting the right idea. While it's true that the the bottom line is you need to hit a certain calorie goal remember that some foods are better for you than others. You'll also find that certain foods fill you up more at a much lower calorie cost. That's one of the big benefits of eating more healthy.

    Does this work? Yes. I lost nearly 40 pounds following a calorie plan here on MFP. The program works. You won't lose it all at once and there will be weeks when you lose nothing but stick with it and you'll lose weight at a nice steady healthy pace.
  • scorpion8319
    Just to be clear, I have tried to lose weight in the past but it did not work, But I think why is I did not know how many calories to eat a day, and I did not do any walking,

    Now I have stoped drinking all sodas, and started eating more salads, I am now walking 2 miles 5 days a week, Weight lifting, and I am very active, I am a Full time Magician, www.Magicbychris.com, a Gunsmith www.gunsmithing.8m.com and A R/C Pilot and Builder www.rcairplanebuilders.com and A Musician, I play the accoustic guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Guitar, Mandolin, Lap Steel Guitar.

    I have also cut my calories down to 1,550-1,700 aday from about 3,900 aday, I drink only water. I do not go over my Carb, Fat, Or protein On mY MFP.

    So with All of this I hope this time I lose my goal weight of 50-52 Lbs,

    Anyway If anyone has any Ideas, or can tell me if what I have listed is the right way, that would help.

    I have read books, and been to other web sites but I was so confussed. and did not know more than when I started,

    Did I mention I am cunfussed?

    Thanks again For all of your suport!!
  • scorpion8319
    one Thing I need I help with I am noticing Some side effects and It was a scare to me , sometimes I feel real light headed, dizzy and like i am going to faint, or passout.

    I am afraid if I go up on my calories intake I will not lose any weight, but I dont want anything to go wrong with me. I would love some help from you all if you have had this happen before.

  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    Yes it works. i've lost 50 lbs since june. I am stuck at the same weight for a month now tho. but i know if i keep doing what I am doing, I will get unstuck. I just keep within my calories, make sure to add sodium on yours(that kills me -1500 is best). my exercise is walking. try to avoid mcdonalds/fast food. it has a lot of sodium. I still eat everything I've always eaten- I make hamburgers, steak etc. try to quit soda if you drink it, and aim for 8 glasses of water or more a day. I don't eat back my exercise calories(but they are there if i need them) one good thing to buy if you have money is a fit bit - I put mine in my pocket in the morning, and it tells me how many steps i've taken all day (aim for 10,000). amazon has them for 80.00 i think.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Hi Chris! I think you're off to a great start and it's fantastic that you're making these changes. My only advice would be to make sure you're not eating too few calories. What did you set your weight loss goal as on MFP? I would recommend eating all of the calories they give you plus half of your exercise calories (calories you gain from exercising). It sounds like your body isn't liking the drastic drop in calories and is sending you a pretty clear message to eat more. Continue to try replacing the less healthy foods with more nutrient dense foods that you like. This has to be a lifestyle change, so you need to find a plan you can stick with.

    Think of it this way, you were maintaining your weight by eating 3000+ calories a day with very little exercise. So, eating anything less and moving more will allow you to loose weight.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Just to be clear, I have tried to lose weight in the past but it did not work, But I think why is I did not know how many calories to eat a day, and I did not do any walking,

    Now I have stoped drinking all sodas, and started eating more salads, I am now walking 2 miles 5 days a week, Weight lifting, and I am very active, I am a Full time Magician, www.Magicbychris.com, a Gunsmith www.gunsmithing.8m.com and A R/C Pilot and Builder www.rcairplanebuilders.com and A Musician, I play the accoustic guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Guitar, Mandolin, Lap Steel Guitar.

    I have also cut my calories down to 1,550-1,700 aday from about 3,900 aday, I drink only water. I do not go over my Carb, Fat, Or protein On mY MFP.

    So with All of this I hope this time I lose my goal weight of 50-52 Lbs,

    Anyway If anyone has any Ideas, or can tell me if what I have listed is the right way, that would help.

    I have read books, and been to other web sites but I was so confussed. and did not know more than when I started,

    Did I mention I am cunfussed?

    Thanks again For all of your suport!!

    Don't worry if you go over your protein, that is actually a good thing especially with the exercise and lifting you are doing. Also, I would cut the McDonalds out completely when you can. That McDouble is costing you 400 calories and about 20 grams of fat. You could have about 3 decent size chicken breasts for the same amount and get way more protein. I know you don't want to do all of this at once and you have already cut it down but the trick is eating the right stuff. With 1800 cals you could eat almost all day and not go over if you eat the right foods. Sounds like you do a lot of stuff to keep you active other than just working out and those activities should help you burn cals as well. Good luck and congrats on making a decision on getting yourself in better shape. I have lost a little over 30 pounds and even though it is taking a while you will see results. I have noticed that I lose better by doing more lifting than cardio. I do cardio 2 days a week and lift 4 days per week. Cardio is good but building muscle makes your body constantly burn more calories to maintain that muscle. Do what works best for you though, I am just offering my experience.
  • martintanz
    Pretty much agree with the advice given so far. At your weight, you should see results on the scale quickly, though eventually it might go down to, maybe 1.5 to 2 lbs/week. When you do eat at places like Mcdonalds, stay away from fries and soda. Better yet, stay out of McDonalds, and when you do go, stick with, maybe grilled chicken or salad.

    I am also a believer in protein shakes. Get out, or go buy yourself a blender. You can blend up nutritious snacks or meals of fruit, vegetables, almond milk, skim milk, yogurt, and protein powder. I have found that 200 or 300 calories consumed this way goes a lot further than, say, a commercially sold snack like a granola bar.
  • scorpion8319
    Hi, Thanks for you post, you asked what was my weight gaol on MFP I want to lose 51 lbs hopfuly within 6-8 months. when I put in my Age 29years old Weight 350lbs And Height 6' 3" it says I should be eating 3,060 calories after a defect of 500 Calories.

    Right Now I am eating around 1,700-1,950 aday, Plus I am plying the guitar 30mins aday it says I am burning 35 calories, and weight lifting for 10-15mins aday 5 days a week burning 70 calories. and walking 2 miles a day 5 days a week I am burning 349.

    so With all of this is it posible to lose 50lbs in 6 months to 8 months at this rate?

    Thanks chris
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hi, Thanks for you post, you asked what was my weight gaol on MFP I want to lose 51 lbs hopfuly within 6-8 months. when I put in my Age 29years old Weight 350lbs And Height 6' 3" it says I should be eating 3,060 calories after a defect of 500 Calories.

    Right Now I am eating around 1,700-1,950 aday, Plus I am plying the guitar 30mins aday it says I am burning 35 calories, and weight lifting for 10-15mins aday 5 days a week burning 70 calories. and walking 2 miles a day 5 days a week I am burning 349.

    so With all of this is it posible to lose 50lbs in 6 months to 8 months at this rate?

    Thanks chris

    It should be possible to lose that much in that time if you stick with the eating. Just make sure you are eating enough that you aren't hungry all the time. More lifting will also help a lot with weight and fat loss. Good luck man.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Hi, Thanks for you post, you asked what was my weight gaol on MFP I want to lose 51 lbs hopfuly within 6-8 months. when I put in my Age 29years old Weight 350lbs And Height 6' 3" it says I should be eating 3,060 calories after a defect of 500 Calories.

    Right Now I am eating around 1,700-1,950 aday, Plus I am plying the guitar 30mins aday it says I am burning 35 calories, and weight lifting for 10-15mins aday 5 days a week burning 70 calories. and walking 2 miles a day 5 days a week I am burning 349.

    You should pick a calorie goal and stick with it for a month before you judge it but I was eating around 2000 calories and lost almost a pound a week. I started off at 6'2" and nearly 250 lbs. I'm still 6'2" but only weigh about 207 currently. It took me about 6 months to lose all of that and it wasn't horribly difficult once I got into the habit of just eating better. There were days when I would be under a couple hundred calories but that was my goal for the most part.

    Stick with it and don't give up. You can be down to your goal weight by Summer and be half way there by mid spring. Just keep going and don't give up. Each little sacrifice you make adds up to a huge change.
  • 300poundsdown
    Great plans for the future!! Exercise and sticking to the food plan will definitely work! Sounds like an awesome plan!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    one Thing I need I help with I am noticing Some side effects and It was a scare to me , sometimes I feel real light headed, dizzy and like i am going to faint, or passout.

    I am afraid if I go up on my calories intake I will not lose any weight, but I dont want anything to go wrong with me. I would love some help from you all if you have had this happen before.


    Don't be afraid to eat and don't be afraid of healthy fat and protein. MFP guidelines are too low for fat and protein imo. If you are feeling dizzy that's a sign that you aren't eating enough. Eat. Yes you must have a calorie deficit to lose weight but trying to maintain a level too low is detrimental for health and long-term weight loss.
  • scorpion8319
    Great News!!!! I just weight myself and I am now 348LBS Thats 2 LBS OFF!!!!!!! I Hope this is fat Lost and not just water!! But The scale is 348Lb

    I am feeling good about this now.