Reaction from others / support network / understanding....

It's a bit of a strange title but there are so many things I am discovering lately that I felt the need to rant / share my experience with those who may understand....

Since starting my journey at the beginning of this year I have lost 30lbs and am very proud of myself, I'm not proud however of the way I started to lose the weight with a lack of knowledge I did eat under the 1200 mark and didn't eat my exercise calories, did mostly cardio and therefore as with so many others lost a lot of lean muscle mass which has resulted in me being 100lbs (5'2" and a small frame) but I certainly don't look like skin and bone - carrying my weight still in my legs and bum.

Over the past few months of maintaining weight I have researched more and more, my diet is the best it has ever been, I have reduced my cardio, started doing Jillian Michaels DVD's, eating more calories and overall feel healthier than I ever have....

But I have found now that my support network (outside of MFP - my friends on here have been amazing and continue to be) seem to feel that they can now give me advise / tips / concern even... For example my husband (who can eat what he likes and not gain a pound) believes that I can now eat what I like because I exercise, so why do I continue to track and measure my food. I burn on average 2 - 300 calories per day 5-6 days a week from short jogs and my DVD's so it's not as though I'm spending hours running or in the gym burning huge amounts of calories. Because he thinks this way he refuses to get on board with weighing of food and gets so frustrated our meals aren't exactly the same. There is no understanding or support from him....

Yesterday our neighbour / friend (who had obviously spoken to my husband) spoke her concern to me - her question was "Is it true you weigh your food?" with this look of horror on her face.... please bear in mind she used to be a professional dancer and is very petite, having had a baby 6 weeks ago looks in better shape than I do without a minute of exercise.... She has never struggled with her weight so I can't expect her to fully understand but it really got to me.

It's funny how people don't say a word to you as you gain weight and eat unhealthy food, then they compliment you on your loss and then when they get bored of that and don't understand that maintaining your weight and improving overall fitness is still just as hard work, they feel they can step in a judge....

Ahhhh I'm just so frustrated that I have to justify everything I do with regards to my weight and lifestyle, if I had always been naturally slim or skinny even they wouldn't say anything but because this is a new me I have to get them to accept me for who I am now, shouldn't this be a given?

I have to point out that I'm from the UK now living in Australia since last year so do not have my family and long time friends around me, I'm sure that they would have a lot more understanding so I feel very isolated and alone in my journey BUT I continue to improve everyday and will keep myself on track, these negative emotions from others aren't going to deter me from my end goal which is to be healthy and fit....

If anyone else is going through something similar I'd love to be there for you to help support you on your journey, thanks for taking the time to read my big rant for the day!! :smile:


  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I remember back in 2002. I met a young girl keeping a food diary. She was meticulous with measuring, weighing, and logging with pen and paper. I too thought it weird, till 4 months ago. It's just ignorance by those who haven't been enlightened. I haven't been judged myself for what I do, but then again, I don't give a flip at what others think.
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    I agree they are unaware of this calorie counting world and I never used to care what people thought, it's my journey and I'll do as I see fit but just recently these comments have started to get to me, maybe it's the time of year - missing friends and family and I'm a little over sensitive :happy:

    Congrats on your amazing loss by the way! Hope you have a great Christmas!