Some Perspective

I was having one of those down days recently, annoyed that I am constantly eating at a deficit, and have still never been 'lucky' enough to possess a body I have been happy with. So I decided to take stock of my 2012 and thought I'd share. Some of these results are positively miniscule when compared to many people here in MFP land, but nevertheless:

In the little over a year I have been consistently logging on this site, I have lost around 17kgs (~37lbs) in this time and about 60 lbs in total. I have increased my fitness to levels it has never been to before, shaken off any potential long-term health risks, and put myself comfortably in the 'healthy' weight range. I am also physically stronger than I have ever been, and know infinitely more about health and nutrition than I have previously.

I have also had the opportunity to share my (admittedly very limited) knowledge with a range of people both here and in real life, something I never thought would happen.

As I sat there reflecting on this, I came to the realisation that I was being way too hard on myself, and suddenly the lofty goals I have set for myself in 2013 don't seem quite as daunting any more.

Now I don't say this to brag, nor am I seeking any affirmation from anybody. I simply thought that this would be interesting to share given that this is the time of year people are often setting goals for the year ahead. I would encourage everyone to take stock of everything you have achieved to this point - and understand what great things you can accomplish in 2013 and beyond!

Is there something you are proud of that you have achieved this year?



  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    100kg squats!

    When I was setting my goals I picked 100kg because I thought I'd was suitably impossible.

    Impossible don't exist.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You rock Ray!!! :heart:

    I'm really happy this year. I was stuck in deep depression for a couple years prior, but this year I'm healthy and I'm happy. I'm really proud of that. It feels really good. :bigsmile:

    Thanks for posting this. A little perspective sometimes help shake things in their proper places.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Oh! And I got my very first creeper message.. AND my very first stalker message... some weirdo figured out my name, job title and the company I work for.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Oh! And I got my very first creeper message.. AND my very first stalker message... some weirdo figured out my name, job title and the company I work for.

    Ooh, run! Really fast and really far!!! :wink:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Very well said Ray!

    I am most proud of my double bw squat and 200kg deadlift barriers broken.

    2013: 2.5x bw squat and 3x BW (approx 240kg deadlift) are the new goals for them.

    Edit: and not being put to shame by the QLD BB champion in my profile pic too I guess :smile:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Great post. This is what it's all about! Sometimes it's good to stop and remind yourself that you ARE ACTUALLY SUCCEEDING! It's ok to be fairly hard on ourselves and demand constant improvement, as long as we don't lose the big picture.

    eta: this year I achieved a >405 lb deadlift (413 in fact), which was a VERY big deal for me. i've had 405 (4 plates) in my sights for a while now, and now that that boundary has been crossed, looking forward to making bigger gains still. I would like to see 450 in the first half of 2013 or so.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Oh! And I got my very first creeper message.. AND my very first stalker message... some weirdo figured out my name, job title and the company I work for.

    Ooh, run! Really fast and really far!!! :wink:

    Now I know the Mayans were right about the world ending. Ray advised running. :laugh: :tongue:
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Started running.

    Did the incline in Colorado Springs (huge NSV for me).

    Bought clothes a few years back on clearance that were too small and the goal was to fit into them. Just got serious about my health this year and those clothes are already too big!

    Perfect health numbers (bp, sugar, cholesterol) and I dropped my resting heart rate from 90 to 60.

    Like you said not bragging it's just amazing how great a body can feel when it's taken care of! All the best to you in this upcoming year with your health and fitness goals!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Nice post!! :flowerforyou:
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    People tend to forget to enjoy the journey cause they are so focused on the destination.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Oh! And I got my very first creeper message.. AND my very first stalker message... some weirdo figured out my name, job title and the company I work for.

    Ooh, run! Really fast and really far!!! :wink:

    Now I know the Mayans were right about the world ending. Ray advised running. :laugh: :tongue:

    hey, I resemble that remark! 2012 was also the year I managed to run 10 continuous miles (before my ITB flared up) so I'm not completely against cardio.:tongue:
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Excellent post!

    Rather than focusing on the scale and "the last ten pounds," I am currently on maintenance through the holidays and enjoying the fact that clothes I haven't been able to wear for several years are now loose on me. My muscle definition from ten years ago has returned. My cardio endurance has improved. The depression I've been dealing with for years has become more manageable. So many things!! :smile:
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I started competing in amateur bodybuilding. Needless to say I did better than expected. I have improved my relationship with foods. I have also have become a smarter trainer. Overall my knowledge regarding supplements, nutrition, and training have vastly improved.

    Great post by the way. It's always good to put things in perspective.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    Very nice! Those are really fantastic accomplishments, not miniscule at all.

    I think this year I'm most proud that I've achieved a much healed relationship with food and exercise. Nowhere near my 'goal' body/weight/fitness level, BUT just the fact that I am no longer anxious about food, can eat while being at peace with my body, and work out because I enjoy it and because I want to be healthy rather than to punish myself for every bite I took.... that is huge. I would say that because of that, 2012 was a huge success.

    Here's to 2013! :drinker:
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    I <3 this!! I've been feeling this way taking a look back at 2012 here's what I've accomplished:

    Completing P90X, losing 9 inches total. Getting my GED and enrolling in college. Passing my first quarter, yay! Surviving divorce and landing on my feet. Surviving a domestic violence situation. Having my parents love me enough to take me in when I had nowhere to go and not killing them or vise versa hahaha. Meeting some really great people on MFP.

    I am blessed and there's nothing I can't do :drinker:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I <3 this!! I've been feeling this way taking a look back at 2012 here's what I've accomplished:

    Completing P90X, losing 9 inches total. Getting my GED and enrolling in college. Passing my first quarter, yay! Surviving divorce and landing on my feet. Surviving a domestic violence situation. Having my parents love me enough to take me in when I had nowhere to go and not killing them or vise versa hahaha. Meeting some really great people on MFP.

    I am blessed and there's nothing I can't do :drinker:

    Awesome. You've been through some **** recently and come out so much stronger for it!

    Loving all these examples, thanks guys.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I am the lightest weight I have been since my 20's and can now run for 20mins, something I would never have believed possible before. But the most important change is that now I actually believe I can lose weight and keep it off, and that I will get there eventually to that elusive healthy weight range. Thank -you to mfp and all the supportive people on here :D
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I have lost 35lbs this year and got myself out of the obese and even overweight catorgories that I had been in since high school and since I have been an adult. I started running and can run 3 miles non stop! I have learned so much about health and what to eat to have a much better functioning body and I am so happy that I am smaller now than I ever was!
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    I've achieved what I aimed for in 2012, which is to start my weight going in the right direction, instead of ever increasing. Small aims, but it's a start.

    My success so far is what's keeping me motivated, and I'll be starting lifting in the new year, arbitrarily aiming to be able to bench my body weight by the end of next year. Also aiming to get a new bike and start cycling again.